17 - liars everywhere

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Brianna Randall didn't quite know it just yet, but she and her biological father had far more in common than just their fiery red hair. The two were both impulsive, and hot-tempered, and could often say things they don't mean in the spur of the moment.

"Where's Roger!" The girl said as she burst through the door of her parent's cabin. Claire, who was in the process of creating a concoction that may aid with Melanie's pain, turned around in a stunned state of shock. She stared at her daughter, taken aback at her sudden outburst.

"I don't know. You said he went back through the stones. Did he not?"

"Apparently not," said Brianna furiously confused. She sat down at the table, shaking from the recent revelation. "I think Jamie may have attacked him."

"What makes you think that?" Claire inquired as she stared at her daughter with her head cocked slightly to the side.

"Because Lizzie told him to." she huffed. Seconds later, Lizzie entered the cabin with Jamie, Fergus, Ian, and Cameron close behind.

There was an immediate amount of tension that filled the room once Brianna saw Jamie. She jumped from her chair and went after him with anger in her eyes only to have Fergus block her.

"What's going on?" Jamie asked.

"You attacked Roger. That's what's going on."

"No," he shook his head. "Yer mistaken. I haven't any idea what the lad looks like. How could I have—"

"The man Lizzie said who attacked me...it wasn't. I, mean...Roger didn't—"

"I'm going to take Cameron outside," said Lizzie quickly. "Ian, care to join me?"

"Aye," Ian answered quickly, but Brianna halted him from doing so.

"This involves you too," she narrowed her eyes and flared her nostrils at him. "Both of you," her vision now fixated on Fergus. Fergus and Ian both nodded. Fergus gestured for Lizzie to take Cameron out of the room for the time being.

"What is it then lass? Are you saying I beat up an innocent man?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." She huffed. "And these two knew about it. Does Melanie know too? I doubt so seeing as she was completely clueless when it told her the story just earlier. Do you always keep secrets from your wife?"

"You do not know know a thing about my marriage, so I suggest you watch your tongue before you start spewing nonsense." Fergus glowered at her. Claire jumped between the two to defuse the tension, and escorted her heated daughter away from her legal sibling.

"So what? Ye get yer heartbroken, then cry rape because he left ye?" Jamie took the focus off of Fergus and back onto him.

Brianna wasn't too fond of this response. She turned around and marched up to Jamie and slapped him across the face. "I was raped!" She shouted. "By someone else!"

Silence filled the tense air. Brianna and Claire looked at each other. She nodded at her mother giving her permission to tell her father who the true culprit was. Claire placed a ring on the table, the ring that Jamie had originally gifted her when they were married.

"It was him."

Jamie picked up the ring and examined it, and began to feel nauseated. He looked at Claire who couldn't face him, then to Ian and Fergus. Fergus was the more clueless of the two despite Jamie usually telling him everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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