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Eeeeeeeeeeee ok thank you all so so so so much i didnt expect this book to actually be this popular omg. The last time i checked it, it was like idk 371 i think.

Gaw dawm.

Anyways so im so sorry it took this long to publish anything, i was busy writeing one of the chapters ahen i didnt know where i was going with it then i just stopped for a day to think, i completely lost motivation to write anything or think about it so it just kinda sat there.

But then i decided id chug a monster and start writeing then i published a few things, and like i said in it, i was at a birthday party.

Not important. You can skip

Anyways if you wanna hear what happened then you can read this, but if not then just skip it, its not important.

So i had to leave to go down town to go to a birthday part for like 4 people. I wasnt actually related to anyone there either. Now we had it at a bowking ally, it was for 4 people bacause it would be easier to have one big party then 4 sepearate ones since they were all born the same month (its February at tge time this is being written)

Anyways it was for my stepdads son, who ha had with another women (not my mom) and like three of his ez wifes kids that she had with another man. So im not related to anyone there.

Im also no specifying names.

I was sitting all alone, looking emo and goth as shit minding my own buisness when i hear some one yell in my direction , "hey hillbilly with bling, wheres the food at?"

I ginored them. I was also refured to as a goth hillbilly becuse i have a black long sleeve shirt, a short sleeve purple on, then baggy black overalls.

I also always wear my jewellery to look very weird so yay. After a while if watching the little kids almost eat shit doung this i got boared from no on actually eating shit i Eventually just got up and moved to the other side of the party.

Thats because kids were swarming around me and i dont like kids and i was trying not to throw one. So im sitting there all alone, tapping my phone in a dark corrner.

Writeing fucking fanfictions on wattpad. And now yall have this wack story.

Merry Christmas .


428 words.


Hey everyone, i would just like to edit this a bit to add this. Im very sorry for when i make spelling mistakes cause i know i make alot every chapter.

I have dyslexia, and when im typing all this out, and when im re reading them, theres alot of words and when im looking at alot of words, its like they just switch with other letters and move around.

So i just dont really do it cause i feel like if i go through changing a bunch if letters it just wont even be words any more, and when im looking at the keyboard, it does the same thing.

Im trying to memorize where all the letters go and all but i have a shit memory so its takeing a long time. And when im re reading it, most things go straight over my head and i dont even relise i used the wrong spelling for something.

Im sorry if its hard to read alot of this, i just cant fix it so its kinda stuck like that.


613 words.

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