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Here kook was squeezing and Coughing.. Tae was checking his baby and saw kook body was burning.. He got worried as he quickly called doctor who reach in no time after get to know that the call was from gangster house..

" He is okie but he eat cold things that why he caught cold and he having fever.. I will give him some medcine and injects him.. Its will make his fever less.. " The doctor said after checking kook nerve and his chest with scope..

Hearing Injection name kook eyes became teary as he was afraid.. Tae saw it and he pull his baby on his lap who hide his face on tae chest.. Dr held kook hand in which tae show him his gun making doctor scared.. When dr injects kook making kook cry out loud which make tae loaded his gun ready to shoot dr anytime but kook take tae gun and put back on drawer in which dr sigh in relief..

After that tae laid kook on bed and he went towards bathroom and come back with bowl of warm water and piece of cloth.. Then tae started to clean kook body in which dr touch it making Doctor look at him with disbelief.. Tae look at Doctor and he take out gun and show to doctor who got Scared..

" He-re pre-scr-ip-tion o-f me-ds wh-ich u ha-ve bo-ug-ht and do-nt le-t hi-m e-at co-ld fo-od.. " The doctor sutter and without waiting for tae reply Doctor handed tae prescription and left from basically run away scared of tae..

Kook look at tae with cute angry glare making tae gulp as he put his gun back..

" Tae what is this you scared that poor Doctor.. TaeTae is bad me will not talk to u.. " kook said and turn other side with angry pout.. Tae smile and continue to clean kook body.. After that he turn kook around and peak his pout who turn his face other side making tae sigh..

Tae cup kook face and kiss him.. Koo didnt kiss him back but after sometime he melt in kiss and started to kiss back.. Tae smile in between kiss.. After sometime they broke the kiss..

" Sorry baby taetae is sorry but u know i dont like see u in pain.. I am very possessive about you.. " Tae said as kook sigh..

" Okie i will forgive you this time mr kim but next time u will sleep in backyard.. " He said making tae gulp hard..

" Okay okay mrs kim.. " Tae said making kook blush.. Tae smile Widely seeing kook red face as he started kiss kook all over face making koo giggle..

" Okay now i will tell maids to made hot soup for you okie.. " He said as koo nodded..

After sometime tae feed koo soup make give him meds then they both cuddle on beds while sharing kisses here and there....




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