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The day was like any other day nothing special. I was alone today because the girls were busy with cheer practice so I had to manage on my own for now.

walking down the halls of the school that were full of other students. making an effort to walk past all of the students I was grabbed by the wrist harshly which caused me to stop and look at the person who held on to my wrist.

"Now where do you think you're going," she asked. Shit spoke too soon. it was Beverly with the crew behind her, a smirk plastered on their faces

give me the strength. I don't have time to deal with this.

That caught a few people's attention as felt eyes waver on us "I didn't see you." I muttered

"It doesn't matter now and I have been looking for you anyway so I'm going to say this loud and clear so listen up. She hissed before continuing

"Katya is MINE so stay the fuck away or I will make your last year in here a living hell do you understand me? "she spat.

She stared me dead in the eyes and made sure I understood every word she said to me. gulping down my irritation I just nodded knowing if I said something it would take a left.

"Good," she said then walked off with her minions walking behind her like puppies on a leash

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and then walk to the cafeteria. I went straight to a table that was empty and pulled out my phone to text Tanya

Tanya, where are you? are you gonna be able to make it to lunch

A few seconds later the bubbles pop up

My Ugly half:🌜
Sorry, Laura I can't, I got to stay in practice 😒

Okay 🙁

My Ugly half:🌜
Aww, you missed me?🥹

why would I miss you ?🤨

My Ugly half:🌜
WOW, I was just trying to be nice to you but whatever you're just a hater 😒

I chuckled at the message before replying.

Wait I'm just playing with you😭. ofc I miss you bestie 😘

My Ugly half:🌜
Girl bye😒but after school, I and the girls wanna go to the diner and I'm taking you with me, no ands if or buts about it So don't eat the school food

Wasn't going to anyway. And who is gonna pay for my stuff? I'm B.R.O.K.E

My Ugly half: 🌜
I'm paying of course so don't worry about that. but I gtg, talk to you later

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