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fuck.fuck.fuck. Why did I agree to go? I should have said no, shit. Maybe I could back out now? Damn it but I promised I would go with the girls.

But you also promised you were going to stay away from Katya too.

Even worse. you know what fuck it I can't turn back now. Sighing as I looked down at the keyboard of my phone, I started typing

Katya said for us to meet up with her and Mateo in front of the school.

the three bubbles popped up immediately.

My ugly half🌜
Where are we going?

I don't know, she didn't say. She just said it's a "surprise"🤷🏽‍♀️

My ugly half🌜
Okay, I will tell the girls, see you after school.

"Ms. Howard" the teacher called. I looked up from my phone caught off guard.

"Yes Mrs smith," I said trying to act like I wasn't But her facial expression could tell me she already knew I wasn't listening to her lecture.

" what was the cause of the Cold War in 1947" My mind turned blank as I could feel the whole class's eyes on me.

Glancing back at all the waiting eyes I replied" An ideological and political rivalry between the United States and the USSR" It came out more like a question than an answer when It came out.

"Very good ms Howard but pay more attention and you won't be unsure about your answer instead of being on your phone". I leaned back into my chair embarrassed.

Ms smith was a good teacher. She wanted minorities to have a high education and do good in their lives with our knowledge. So I don't take any of this to heart, she just wants us to become better. And one of the reasons why she is my favorite teacher.

"Okay Ms smith," I said then put my phone in my pocket and focused back on the lesson as I started writing notes to study later.

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

Closing the locker, I make my way out of the school facility. The school had ended for today so everyone was chatting with each other while walking. I saw Tanya at the front of the school." hey girl" I said as I walked up to her.

She turned around "Hey, are you ready for this surprise" She put quotation marks with her fingers as she said the word surprise.

"Yeah, I guess" I shrugged. Truthfully I'm just ready to get this day over with so I can go home and rest.

Tanya frowned at the answer  "Cheer up, you never know you might have fun"

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