Chapter 5: First Day of School

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Robert sighs in relief as he makes it on the bus

Robert: Made it.

Man: Is that a sword?

Robert: Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Man: Hmm.

Woman: Little tip you should tell 'em,
"no bag, double wrapped."

Man: And maybe leave the sword
at home next time.

Robert inhales sharply

Man: Don't listen to him. You gotta do you.

Woman: After all, you're riding this train over and over. And over and over. And over and over. And over and over. And then you die.

Man: It's just reality, man.

Conductor on PA: Metro North to Grand Central Station. Next stop, Poughkeepsie.

With Giselle, Morgan, (Y/N) & Baby Sophia

Student: Oh, I gotta go in!

Student: Save me a seat!

Morgan: I feel like a human get-well bouquet.

Giselle chuckles

Giselle: Don't be silly. You look beautiful.

(Y/N): The flowers on your skirt bring out the rest of the flowers on your skirt.

Morgan: Oh, great.

Giselle gasps

People chatter

Giselle: Oh, my.

Rosaleen: Very nice!

Ruby: This is a big improvement from last year.

Giselle: She really is involved.

Rosaleen: Congrats, you made it!

Giselle chuckles

Giselle: Thank you. Wow. You really do have a talent for baked goods.

Monroe: It's just a little fundraiser.

Ruby: For, um, Monroe-fest?

Giselle: What's that?

Rosaleen: It's the biggest event of the year.

Ruby: Malvina organizes the whole thing.

Rosaleen: It's spectacular.

Giselle: Mmm?

Ruby: There's also games and a little fun vote for prince and princess.

Rosaleen: Her son Tyson's won prince
three years in a row.

Ruby: Even when he broke both his legs,
he still won.

Monroe: It's not rigged. I promise.

Giselle: Mm-mmm. I think it sounds wonderful.

(Y/N): I love festivals. We have them
all the time where we come from.

Monroe: Mmm. And who are you exactly?

(Y/N): Oh right I'm (Y/N) Que-

Morgan: (Y/N) QUEENS!

They look at Morgan confused

Ruby: Ah!

Giselle: They were usually interrupted
by evil forces of some kind, but when they weren't, it really brought people together.

Rosaleen: Aha.

Giselle: I would love to help if you need it.

Morgan: You actually should take her up on that. This one time she made a forest
entirely out of M&M's and had it delivered to my class by pigeon.

Giselle: That's right.

Morgan laughs

Morgan: Yeah. No one beats her at this kind of stuff.

Monroe: Huh? Is that so?

Giselle chuckles

School bell rings

Morgan: Well, here we go.

Morgan starts walking into the school

Giselle: Morgan? You're gonna be great.

Morgan: Thank you.

Giselle: Hmm.

(Y/N): Tee-hee-hee.

Giselle giggles

Giselle: Just believe in yourself!

Student: What was that?

-[students giggling]

Monroe: You know, Giselle, (Y/N) if you have time, I'd love to buy you a coffee

Ruby: And hear more about your M&M masterpiece

Giselle: Oh.

She chuckles

Monroe: And whatever else there is
to know about our newest Monrovians.

(Y/N): That would be so nice. Thank you.

With Morgan in school

Student: Hey.

Some girl: Excuse you!

Morgan: I'm living the full clich here.

Some guy: They must have an urgent selfie to post.

Morgan: Hmm.

Some guy: Hey, you're the new girl from New York. Uh, Morgan.

Morgan: And you're Tyson from cupcakes.

Tyson: Ah, you met my mother.
He sucks his teeth

Tyson: Yeah, I just try to ignore whatever she's doing. She gets kind of intense.

Morgan: Yeah, well, imagine if she was made of magic and sang at the drive through.

Tyson: Huh?

Morgan: Yeah.

The school bell rings

Friend 1: Tyson! Come on!

Friend 1: Dipset, bro.

Friend 2: Let's go, man!
He chuckles

Some girl: Ew. Look what she's wearing.

Some other girl: Whoa.

Some guy: Whoa. That's a lot of flowers.

Some other guy: Like, a lot.


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