Chapter 11: A Not So Perfect Day

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With Robert

Robert: Surely there's an adventure out here somewhere.

A villager screams

Robert: A bellow of distress. Finally!

He chuckles

Villager 1: What are we to do?

Villager 2: I'm not going in there. You go in.

Villager 3: Well, I'm certainly not going in there.

Robert walks up with his sword in hand

Little Boy: Are you a dragon slayer?

Robert: I believe I am.

The villagers scream

Villager 1:,Ooh.

Robert: Never fear. I shall slay the beast.

Villager 1: I wouldn't if I were you. It is very large.

Robert: Oh.

Villager: And cranky.

Robert: Hmm. A very large and cranky dragon is just what I've been looking for. Won't be a moment. Onward, my sweetness.

The villagers watch as Robert enters the cave

The dragon snarls

His sword can be heard swishing

Robert screams as he his thrown out of the cave

The dragon snarls once again

He grunts as he recovers

The villagers gasp

Little boy: Have you done this before?

Robert chuckles

Robert: Have-- Of course, yes, I have-- I have slain many a dragon.

Villager 4: Good on you.

Villager 5: Oh!

The dragon snarls and blows its fire at Robert

The villagers scream

Robert screams as he is once again thrown out of the cave

They all gasp

Robert groans

Robert: Ow. Oh, oh.

Robert: Hot. That's hot.

He quickly recovers

Robert: I shall persevere. I shall conquer the craven beast!

A stone rumbles as it is pushed down covering the cave's entrance

Robert: I shall--

Little boy: Hey! No offense, sir, but you might want to find another profession.

The villager chuckles

Back at the House with Giselle & Pip

Giselle hurried to the table with the box that hold the scroll for the wand

Pip: Uh, what are you doing?

Giselle: Nancy said if we had any problems, all we had to do was ask.

She opens the box and the scroll pops out

Scroll: Welcome to your magical
wishing wand experience! If you should ever have a question just ask, and I shall appear.

Giselle: Oh. Hello!

Pip: Hey, we got no time for this.

He starts swiping at the scroll

The scroll yelps in surprise

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