Chapter 1

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Aina's POV

I was about to go to my other class until someone stopped in front of me. It was a girl with red hair, she was a bit tan and she was short.

She smiled and stook out her hand "Hi I'm Joana!"

This girl is so enthusiastic, she reminded me so much of Kayla. Aina smiled back and shook her hand "I'm Aina."

I felt Joana's hand. It was really cold.. that was weird.

But I just ignored it. the both of us started walking and soon we ended up in our class.

I checked my time table, right now I have History.

i was in the middle left corner. while Joana was at the front middle. I was about to sleep when I heard the teacher say "Open your books to page 1."

i just lazily turned my page, i skipped the two contents page and there i was on page 1. so i looked at what was is on about and it said..... Vampires?

thats weird. everyone looked up at front and the teacher started explaining the first thing we'll learn about them. 'Their Hunger.'

it gave me the chills, it gave me the spooks... creepy.


I walked out with Joana and exclaimed "I'm so GLAD to be out of that class!"

Joana chuckled "Why?"

I rolled my eyes "The subjuct were learning was creeping me out."

Joana nodded.

I asked "So what to we have next?"

Joana smiled "Geography."

I groaned "Ugh!!"

Joana again chuckled lightly and we walked again to our next class


Joana and I exit that class, it was even more creepy, they were telling places where the dead could be in, meaning again, Vampires..

Like seriously Vampires? Again!

I look at Joana "We have Lunch now right?"

she nodded and I exclamed "YES!"

she smiled and we walked into the Lunch Hall.

I gwaked at it, it was huge!

Joana pulled me and we went in line, I was at the back of her, I saw what she was getting.

She was getting: Chicken, Mash Potatoes, Garden Salad, Pudding and a drink in a bottle, it looke really weird; the drink, the liquid inside was like blood red. but I think it was tomato juice or cranberry.

And the food I got was the same thing only think different was the drink, mine was water.

Both of us sat on a table with a few other people who were her friends; Alexius, Skye, Kitty, Mark and Will

I sat inbetween Skye and Kitty, it looked like Alexius and Mark were an item, so was Kitty and Will.

I look at Skye, he looked at me and smiled then continued to eat his food. after we were done, cleaners took out boards of food and went away. all of us was still talking, Skye and I got so close after one conversation, he was now my best guy friend.

Until the hall went silent. then was screams of fan-girls! I look at the direction, there was two boys walking towards a table, my eyes widens.

They. Were. Fit.

They looked so sexy and hot, i could even see their six or was it eight packs from their shirts. The one with the leather jacket and amber eyes had the 'Bad Boy' vibe. While the other one with a varsity jacket had the 'Player' vibe. and boy those two did turn me on.

I've always had a thing for Bad Boys and Players for an unkown reason.

I saw them glance at my direction then look at the direction they were going to.

I look at Joana who was smirking at me, I rolled my eyes "Who are they, Joana?"

She grin "Axel and Beck Reed."

Frick' they had hot names two, can it get any better?

"Axel is the one with the leather jacket, he's known for being the bad boy around here. And Beck is the one with the varsity jacket, he's known for being the player here."

So i was correct about their vibes.

i smirked, then i looked at the direction where they were sitting "Interesting."

I was staring at both of them, until it was broke by two annoying high pitch screams



I look at two girls, one had light brown hair, the other had black hair. They both were wearing very inappropriate clothes on, both of them sat on both boys' lap. and kissed them on the lips, the boys kissed the girls back.

My eye twitched with annoyance, I turned back to Joana who was smirking, she added "Oh and I forgot to mention, both of them are taken."

I rolled my eyes "Names please."

Joana chuckled "Ok, the one sitting on Axel is Virginia and the one on Beck is Regina, both girls are cousins." i turned back glaring at the two girls then look at Joana "I doubt Virginia is a virgin or even from Virginia at all."

Everyone on my table started laughing apparently i insulted Virginia with her own name. Skye gave me a pat on my back "That was a really good insult Aina!"

I smiled "Thanks." After that Skye had his arm around my shoulder like an over protective boyfriend. but gross Skye and I woundn't be together, he only thinks of me like a little sister so it wont work out.

All of us stand up and started to exit the hall, we went pass the Boys table and continued to walk, i had eye contact with the twins the entire time, they're eyes were really dark, and they're gazes was filled with lust. but I think it was from the girls when they kissed them.

I continued to walk, but i could feel eyes looking at me

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