Chapter 1

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POV-Alec Harden

As I exit the lawyer's office in the middle of the small town of Eden that sits right outside my pack lands, I can't help but feel drawn to a small pub called The Blue Note. The Blue Note sits across the street from the lawyer's office, but I have never been the type to enjoy drinking, especially while being around so many humans. I find it harder to keep my wolf under control if I am under the influence of alcohol.

I was at the lawyer's office taking care of pack business, and instantly regret not bringing one of my Betas with me. If Sean was with me, I would be heading back to pack lands, not following my baser instincts that are currently leading me into what is potentially a dangerous situation, with the full moon right around the corner, and my wolf already on a tight leash. I think to myself.

My wolf has been anxious lately. I thought it had something to do with poachers that have been coming around too frequently for my liking, hence why I was at the lawyer's office trying to determine what I could do to stop them from coming onto pack land.

Wandering into the small seedy pub, I am hit with the sudden stench of stale cigarette smoke and cheap beer. As I enter the main pub area, I notice a few older gentlemen sitting at the bar nursing what seemed to be luke-warm beer and engrossed in watching whatever sports game is playing on the TV placed above the bar.

I look toward the sound of male voices raised and laughing at some joke that was obviously told prior to me entering the pub and notice a group of six or seven men mingling with a few women. They are all sitting around a group of small tables situated across from the small bar area.
While attempting to figure out where to sit, I peruse my options. The group of men have already claimed the four small tables across from the bar. I could sit at one of the tattered booths that line the other wall, but choose to sit at the bar instead, facing the entrance.

What am I doing here? I ponder as I pull out the tattered, well used bar stool away from the bar.

The bartender approaches me, and I order whatever beer is on draft, knowing full well I am not going to be partaking in any alcoholic beverages this evening with it being only days away from a full moon. I can't risk losing control of my wolf for even a moment, especially in a town full of humans.

Eden was a small town, but the gossip is worse in a small town. It would cause problems for me and the pack if I cause a scene of any kind. Honestly, it still amazes me that the humans of Eden have absolutely no idea that werewolves of legend live just 30 minutes outside city limits.

Being Alpha, I take pride in knowing that there have never been any reported wolf sightings. I am very careful and make sure that our security systems are up to date, which is how I can prove that there were human poachers on pack lands. I didn't find out that our cameras had caught them until after I caught their scent while running patrols around pack land's border. I wouldn't want to be the cause of humans learning that there is truth to the legends regarding my species. Putting myself in this precarious, uncalled for, situation is so unlike me, that my thoughts begin to race.

Why did I come to town today when the full moon is so close? I berate myself internally, knowing I was putting my pack at risk by interacting with humans.

The real question, Alec, is why are you sitting in this seedy pub instead of going back home? I ponder.

I felt led to come to the Blue Note tonight by a gut feeling, almost an instinct. I have learned to always follow my instincts, even when they do not always make sense at the time. Being the Alpha of the Moon Song Pack, my instincts are what keep my pack safe.

Just as I was thinking of leaving the bar to head back to pack lands, I heard the entry-way door chime. I watch as two women, probably in their mid to late 20's, enter the pub.

Physically, these women cannot look any different. One is petite, with brown hair that is shoulder length and curly. She is wearing black skinny jeans and a mustard yellow oversized sweater, making her look even smaller, in the most charming way. She has light brown eyes.

However, the other woman entering the pub was probably of average height bordering on the tall side, but where the first woman is petite, this woman has curves in which a man can easily lose himself. She is wearing skinny jeans, and a flowing black blouse covered in dark red roses. She has lighter brown hair that fades to blonde on the ends, loose curls wrap around her round face, giving her an angelic appearance.

She is laughing at something her friend said, her smile is enchanting, and her laugh is infectious. Instantly my attention is captivated by her eyes, blue pools that darkened around the edges, framed my long dark lashes.

I watch her look nervously around, before those dark blue eyes land on me and then pause for a briefly, locking gazes with mine. Time slows down, the exchange happens over a few seconds, but it feels like my world shifts on its axis.

She gives me a polite smile, then quickly drops her eyes to the floor. I smile a small smile and keep watching as the first woman links arms with her and walks her over to the large group of men sitting at the small tables across from where I was sitting. The door closed with a loud clang.

Suddenly, my senses pick up the most amazing scent I have ever encountered. "MATE!!!!" My wolf growls inside my head, fighting to be free to claim what he considers HIS.

What?!?! No!!! It can't wolf in my pack has EVER mated with a human...this must be a mistake! Surely not...

"MINE!!!" growls my wolf again as I try desperately to get past my confusion enough to keep control over my wolf. I can feel him pushing against my willpower trying to take over so he can claim his mate.

It won't hurt anything to go over there and just introducing myself...right? I think hastily, fighting for control.

I placate my wolf by planning on interacting with these women in order to prove to my wolf that neither of these human women are our mate, then I can leave and head back to the pack.

"Mine. Mate." states my wolf simply as he settles back down.

I get up from my seat at the bar and head towards the captivating scent that pervades my mind, and has my wolf coming to the surface.

Damn, I really should have brought my Beta, Sean. I may need help if I can't get my wolf under control. I think as I watch the pair of women get to the table with the the larger group of people. The petite woman darts towards the bar after her friend said something in her ear. I'm almost to the table when the woman I was approaching begins to back away from the table without looking behind her, running straight into me.

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