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Bible woke up with a heavy feeling on his body " What the-" he whispered when he realized Build is laying on top of him, the whole of his face was in the crook of Bible's neck, he can feel the tip of Build's little nose trickling him in this position. How can he slid out without waking Build up this time? It was impossible. He sighed and just try and keep still so he can let Build sleep in peace. He does not want Build to be uncomfortable in his house after all the little tips he gave to Bible to find and make his sister's talk.

Whilst he lays there thinking about random things in his head a little voice inside started telling him to wrap his arms around Build's waist, he does not know why but he felt as if he is starving for it, starving to hug Build and have a skinship with him. He raised his arms ghosting them around Build's waist, should he just do it? Can he pretend as if he is asleep if he was caught by Build? Nope he can't and shouldn't do it, he slowly lower down his arms and tried to take his phone without waking Build up. He texted Merry before he was asleep yesterday and told her to get 'Alice in Wonderland' book from Build and his sister's house and Merry sent a text saying she will gave it to him in the morning so he should call her when he wakes up. Bible will call her when Build wakes up too, he does not think he can open the door in this position.

He felt a little trickle on the side of his neck, this means Build is waking up and opening his eyes probably so he closed his immediately. Build opened his eyes and tried to sit up but can't due to the handcuffs on their hands so he fall back on Bible accidentally touching his lips to his as he does so, Bible opened his eyes in shock looking up at him, what just happened? " I am sorr-" Build was about to say but Bible pulled him closer by his hair and kissed him on the lips, not letting him go, Build was startled at first then kissed him back but was pushed all of a sudden, Bible hurriedly uncuffed them without saying anything and made his way to the bathroom without any explanation making Build sat there in shock with his hand over his lips.

When Bible went out of the bathroom Build was not in the bed, fuck, he thought, just because he was frustrated about the kiss he might have made Build escape his grab, how can he let himself go this much while living with a potential criminal? He sighed and took his phone calling Merry " Yes boss, I am bringing the book" Bible went into the living room as his nose was hit with more than one delicious smell " Ok" he said " Just ring the doorbell I will come and take the book" he looked at the dinner table, full of breakfast food, more than the two can eat " Or come in someone made a breakfast fit for more than five people" he said then hang up the phone on Merry's face.

Build went out of the kitchen with two orange juice glasses in his hands " You have so many ingredients in your house!" he said dynamically "I could even make orange juice for breakfast like in the books" Bible laughed breathlessly, he was about to have a heart attack for nothing " I thought you escaped" Build laughed, no reason to escape for him " Why would I escape? I am not that afraid of physical intimacy from men" he said, Bible was confused on if Build is trying to tell him that he is a coward or just blabbering about things, something tells him that it is the first option " Oh by the way can you make another glass of orange juice Merry is coming" Bible said trying to escape Build's boldness, Build nodded and went back into the kitchen without saying anything more.

He went back to his room and put his uniform on, why won't he escape? It does not make any sense for Bible, he would think Build would be more willing to escape after that kiss, wasn't what he did harassment? The doorbell rings making him take his bag from the living room and open the door since he knows it's probably Merry on the door, Merry gave him the book as she enters while Bible put the book in his bag and toss it to the couch in the living room, Merry had already taken her place on the table as Build went out of the bathroom " Oh my god!" she said excitedly as Build sat on his chair" Finally there are some quality food on my boss's house" Bible rolled his eyes as he too sat down " I cook good food sometimes too you know" he said to Merry, Merry rolled her eyes " You always cook from those weird cookbooks your mother gave you and you always cook them wrong since you have zero hand taste and food knowledge" Bible sighed " Yeah they are from my dad's country so technically they are the recipes I grow up with and what I cook best" Merry shrugged her shoulders " Whatever they are not suited to my taste nor you have any talent to make it fit my taste" Build takes some salad to his plate and smiled " I liked them" Bible smiled " Don't speak too soon, you just ate one of them" Build nodded " Then make me more so I can comment on them" Bible try so hard not to blush and nodded as they continued eating their breakfast with Merry's non stop talking about how she spend her summer in her friend's house, how can she have more stories even when she always talks non-stop? Bible can never understand.

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