Chp.007 'A Normal Evening'

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A/N:- Hello to everyone reading this! i am immensely grateful for the 1k reads, thank you for reading this story and waiting patiently.

anyways, enjoy.

Chp.007 'A Normal Evening'

No One's P.O.V:-

It was a glorious day, the most marvellous, ear catching, mansplaining, what-

No. It was a rather tedious day. (Y/N) spent her entire weekend in bed, she didn't know what to do, other than scrolling down her phone.
Trying out new activities wouldn't be so bad but she gets too irritated if she doesn't get it at the very first 5 minutes through the activity.

'this is so boring' (Y/N) was about to lose their mind,
'i'm gonna die of boredom' A tad bit dramatic.

(Y/N) was now debating whether she should take a breather and touch grass or stay home and continue being a couch potato.
Being a couch potato it is, i guess.

"You know, (Y/N), you could always do your chores." Aoi stated, watching the young (H/L) haired girl laying on the bed who is staring at the ceiling questioning herself about the most useless things known to existence.

"Doing chores, is a waste of time itself.. Why clean things if they're going to be dirty the next day anyway?" (Y/N) said.

Aoi just sighed at the scene before her.

*Ding Dong*

"Heyyy~ Are you in there~??"

A familiar voice came from the door,

'who could it be at this particular time of the day?' Aoi thought to herself as she went to get the door.

(Y/N) was intrigued so she followed, behind Aoi. Aoi opened the door as a certain girl with pigtails was standing on their porch, the girl, of course, was none other than-

"Hitomi!" (Y/N) shouted excitingly,

"yep yep~ are you doing anything today?" Hitomi questioned.

"no, not really- wait, what are you doing here? and Sato-Kun?" (Y/N) asked, while Aoi mentally rolled her eyes and went back inside.

"Well since you've asked~ we were thinking of going out together! you coming along too~!" Hitomi said nonchalantly, Sato was waiting outside the lawn.

"w-what?? Why so sudden!?" (Y/N) questioned,

"ah silly (Y/N)~ don't worry! we'll be waiting for you to get ready." Hitomi said even though (Y/N) never really recalled agreeing to this but when you befriend Hitomi, your will goes to her. yes, your will to live too.

"(Y/N).exe has stopped working"

"GIVE ME TIME TO GET READY!!" (Y/N) finally understood the situation after a long math equation that had nothing to do with the conversation mentally appeared in her delusional mind.

"don't worry~" Hitomi assured (Y/N) that she can take as much time as she needed, then said "Kira-Kun is gonna be waiting here, i'll go over to Shousuke's house and get him to tag along~" Hitomi said, striking no emotions whatsoever while leaving Kira alone.

"Hey! get back here! i didn't agree on this!" Kira yelled, also, striking no movements whatsoever because his back hurts like a grandpa trying to get up from his wheelchair but tripping while trying to hold on to his crutch but missing it and eventually falling into his yet another paralysing end. Sometimes Kira wonders, what will happen to him once he has reached the age of twenty.

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