|| Chapter 1 || The Skull Painted Face ||

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Hi!! A few things I would like to point out before you read my story.

1.) I prefer "Sodo" rather than "Dewdrop". There is really no specific reason as to why other than I just like "Sodo" better than "Dewdrop". Although I might add it in as a name that the ghouls use to tease him with.

2.) I have a very bad memory so I might have forgotten to add little details somewhere in the story. Please let me know if anything is confusing and I will look into it and fix it if needed.

3.) I am dyslexic. So please if there are ever any misspellings or words used incorrectly please let me know! I will fix it as soon as I see a comment about it. I don't always catch my mistakes when I reread my work before publishing it.

4.) Please be patient with me! I have a very busy life outside of writing! I'm part of a pre-professional dance program that takes up most of my weekends and some of my weekdays, I also work three jobs which means I have very little time for myself. So please if I do not update regularly just remember I am trying my hardest!

5.) Constructive criticism is very much appreciated so please don't be mean!

That's all! Enjoy the story!


"Our God is an awesome God, he reigns from heaven above. With wisdom, power, and love..." Genevieve stared off as the people around her sang with passion and fire. They truly loved and believed in God, something Genevieve struggled with. They held such blind faith, hoping and praying that one day, God would take them home to the ever-lasting Kingdom. It was so beautiful, but yet so boring.

Genevieve longed for something more. She wanted something new and exciting, something she feared was only possible in her dreams. Every night when Genevieve closed her she would see a bright golden ball of light, in the center, there was the silhouette of a man.

"Come with me, cara mia." He whispers. "There's no need to be fearful." Genevieve had considered the possibility that it was an angel coming to warn her of the pain she'll face for doubting the lord. It was only inevitable.

It nearly drove her mad trying to figure out who this man was. Was he an angel as she suspected, was it God, was of the devil or was it simply be imagination?

Every night for the past month Genevieve had the same exact dream, except for last night. It was different. He didn't stay in the shadows this time, instead, he walked into the light with an outstretched hand.

"Can't you see you're lost..." He murmured as his face slowly became visible. His skin was pale and sparkled as he came into view. He had an average build to his body and couldn't be any taller than 5'7. His hair was short and straight and the color was as black as a raven's feather, he had it neatly pushed back with the exception of a few stray strands falling into his face."

His cheekbones were sculpted perfectly and his jawline was so sharp it looked as if it could cut a diamond in half with one swipe. One of his eyes was dark brown while the other was as white as snow, and appeared to glow in the darkness but faded when he came into the light.

"Can't you see that lost without me..." He trailed off with a sly grin spread across his face. This man was intriguing, and a mystery. All the things Genevieve hoped for.

His eyes were truly remarkable, pulling her deeper and deeper into a trance. His hand stretched out even more as she lifted her arm and gently placed her hand in his. He took a tight hold and gently pulled her closer. He lifted her hand up and placed a soft kiss on the back of it, while never breaking eye contact.

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