Chapter Seven

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Was it...

Alison swallowed as she pictured her 'master' behind the door, ready to take her away...

She didn't think things would happen so quickly!

Remembering the last threat that the old man had said, Alison quickly went to find a bag, wanting to put things into it. She needed to change her clothes into something more suitable to run...She needed Milo!

"My Lady?"

Stopping to the male voice, Alison widened her eyes.

The Prince?

Alison took a deep breath and realized that she was panicking. She wasn't normally one who panicked but...

She couldn't deny it, nearly drowning like that had scared her! The threat after drowning had scared her!

A knock sounded again, and Alison raced to the door, not wanting to lose this chance! If the old man knew that the Prince had come to her door and she hadn't accepted him, that was also a failure!

"Your Highness!" Alison stated in a rush.

Prince Elton blinked and stared at the woman in front of him.

He hadn't really thought much into being called to her quarters...Right 'til this second!

Her slightly wet hair was down, and she seemed to be excited to see him...This sight was doing wonders to him, making him unable to think properly as she pulled him inside.

"Thank you for coming, Your Highness!" Alison said, then stood there, even starting to play with her hands.

Now what? How do I keep the Prince here?

The Prince seemed to lose all rational thoughts as he took the beautiful woman into his arms and kissed her.

It seemed that he was a normal man after all. He had always wondered why he didn't care for women like other men did. He put his lack of enthusiasm for women towards the reason of being too busy, and Prince Elton no longer question it too much but...This woman seemed to stir something deep inside him!

Never did he think he'd come to a point in his life that he would be willing to do just about anything to stay in these quarters for the rest of the night!


The sudden voice stopped the Prince and he pulled back, becoming more aware of what was going on.

Having been so engrossed into what he was doing, he was surprised to find them already on her bed!

Getting off the bed, the Prince knew that he had to keep his distance away from her, so he went to the other side of the room. "Sorry."

He was not sorry at all! He was actually even upset that they had stopped!

"I..." Alison looked anywhere else but the Prince. It really wasn't all his fault, she too had been swept away!

How was this fair! It was clear that they were both attracted to one another!

...They really weren't meant to be though because of certain circumstances...But...

What does it matter right now! She told herself.

She was surviving, she was also trying to regain innocence to her family! Her feelings for the Prince aren't even worthy of being looked upon! Her feelings...They needed to be stopped!

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