Chapter Nine

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The Prince tried to calm himself down, even by going back to Alison's quarters to be there upon her return...But a knock on the door sounded and then a voice came, "We know she's not there, little Prince, so come out like a good boy!"

A bad premonition came to Prince Elton then. That perhaps...He had he lost...


Yet, the biggest worry he had...Was if Alison was okay. Everything else can be endured! And...If there was one way to find out what was going on, it was to go out and see what they had planned!

In silence, the Prince followed the advisor out to the King's throne room and found the room filled with people.

This was...They got the box...The question was...Which box did they obtain?

The Prince halted just a few steps into the room, not that it mattered because they continued on anyway. "And here he is, the one trying to conspire against His Majesty the King. Prince Elton, do you plead guilty in the charge of treason!?"

The Prince saw a box in front of the King and stayed silent as his eyes traveled around to not see his sister. It must be the box that David had...It was plan B. He had not wanted Plan B to happen because that would have meant that Alison had come to trouble...


The Prince now just searched to where the advisor just moved from...Seeing...


There she was, in her thief attire, being held like a prisoner!

The Prince's heart ached to free her from her binds, but he was in a very harsh predicament right now and really needed to focus.

How did things end up like this!? Where had they taken David? They would have thought him as someone who wouldn't help their claim so they probably would have just taken him somewhere else for now. Would they really go as far as to kill someone as close he is to a Prince? No, he had thought of this earlier. They would wait until he lost to kill David. The Prince was certain that David was still alive, just...Where was he?

King Lewis did not look at his son as he completely took in this news that the advisor gave him. The King and a number of his advisors and Councillors, who had already been here hours ago, had already even questioned upon where the advisor was at such a time when a meeting was on earlier. Only to find evidence of the Prince's friend 'David' had been holding, something that could be claimed as evidence to support him, the King, as a criminal.

Having opened the box himself, to find the first piece of paper a written testimony of something that he had done a couple of years ago had made him close the box, to have it sit there until now.

Granted, the Prince knew that he had to put at least one thing that was real in that box but...A lot of it was just plain letters that didn't mean anything at all. He was giving up two criminal acts in the place of many, simply because he had wanted the King to act and to think this way.

One way to get the King to do what you want him to do...Was to give him what he wanted. They could have waited until everyone left but the King was not only angry but also thought that the Prince had nothing left, so...He fell right into the Prince's trap!

Clenching his hands into fists under his desk, King Lewis now glared at his son.


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