Chapter 1

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Australia, the military base of Darwin. It is located on the site where,

until the end of World War III, there was an international airport, which

was subsequently closed due to the almost complete isolation of

Australia from the rest of the world. Instead of the airport, under the

auspices of Britain, a magic research center was built here. The policy of

isolation didn't mean completely giving up interaction with other

countries. Although international diplomatic contacts at the state level

were blocked, limited communication with other countries was

maintained in the form of private trade or disguised as interaction

between civilians.

By itself, this "isolation" was not an official state policy, but the border

crossing was severely restricted and accompanied by serious checks

under the pretext of preventing the invasion of terrorists. In fact, entry

and exit from the country became practically impossible. Therefore, if

the government needed to let someone in, it was done in secret. Sending

diplomats for talks was also classified.

Australia has made progress in turning its vast deserts into cultivable

lands, and could provide itself with food and minerals. Enough resources

for complete self-sufficiency.

What Australia really needed was military technology to protect the

country. In particular, military magical technology that could resist

invasions from the coastline detachments of the enemy with such

success that losses among civil and private property were minimal. This

country has always had friendly relations with Britain, which along with

the USNA was considered a country with highly developed magical


On the Darwin Air Force base, a British hypersonic aircraft landed. This

aircraft could fly in the upper layers of the stratosphere and reach a

speed that exceeds speeds 6 times the speed of sound. The aircraft had a

unique tiger coloring, which showed that his passenger was VIP for the

British army.

This man was neither a high-ranking officer, nor an influential

politician, but a civilian who was a key figure in the British defense

forces, which made him a man of the highest importance.

"Sir William MacLeod. We were looking awaiting your arrival."

Commander Darwin personally met the British VIP.

It was William MacLeod, one of the magicians of a strategic class, the

Thirteen Apostles. They were still called the Thirteen Apostles, because

the Great Asian Alliance didn't formally recognize the death of Liu


"Thank you for your courteous reception."

MacLeod is now 60 years old. He is a tall, thin, elderly gentleman with

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