Chapter 4

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The next morning.

Two girls, standing looking away and with a false expression on his

face, Tatsuya told the plans for the day.

"Today, as planned, we will go to the island of Kume."

It was not a big surprise, as yesterday, it was planned from the very


But this had no direct connection with the mission. If you have free

time, you need to look at the artificial island, which must be protected,

adhering to the position "if there is time after all the affairs." The main

goal for today is tourism. Yesterday the main point was Miyuki's gift,

and today the main thing is to carelessly kill time.

Will the mission not be completed if the party for the completion of the

artificial island construction on the 28th is successfully defended?

However, in order to prevent a diversion in advance, it is necessary to

deprive the enemy of the ability to conduct military operations, and for

this it is necessary to find out where the main forces of the enemy are

hiding. This search is being conducted by the army, so Tatsuya's part

will not come until the main enemy forces are found.

Arriving in Okinawa, and spending several days in the hotel, Tatsuya

felt that this was a waste of time. He didn't want to go out to look for

foreign magicians, simply because it was not his job.

That's why Tatsuya decided to have a day off today.

"We depart at 8:30. CAD's can be taken on board the aircraft."

In this environment, this was not something that needs to be repeated. In

most cases, public officials are allowed to carry CAD's on the

permission of the police. Students of the University of Magic, and

students of Schools of Magic automatically have such permission. So

this isn't the privilege of the Ten Master Clans. However, in return,

there is a duty to save people in emergencies.

"Preparation are complete. Tatsuya-sama and Miyuki-sama have to only


"Good job."

"First, we'll go and have breakfast."

Miyuki thanked Minami for her diligence, and Tatsuya took them to the

hotel restaurant, where breakfast was waiting for them.

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"Tatsuya-san!" Entering the departure hall of the airport, Tatsuya heard

a voice from the side.

"Honoka. Together with Shizuku?"

The voice that was calling out belonged to Honoka. Next to her stood

Shizuku. Tatsuya was not surprised by the appearance of these two. He

heard from Miyuki about the invitation to go on a trip from them. He

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