Admiral Sakazuki

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Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'

The Following 7 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 44 (Jaya), Chapter 45 (Marshall D. Teach), Chapter 46 (Noland "The Liar"), Chapter 47 (Akainu, Absolute Justice), Chapter 48 (Warlords of The Sea), Chapter 49 (Akainu's Justice), and Chapter 50 (Akainu Vs The Storm Pirates) are already available for Patrons.

Link is in my Profile

Luffy was sitting on his favorite seat, the figurehead of the Going Merry as Chopper, Sanji, and Usopp stands on his right, and Nami, Nojiko, Robin, and Vivi stand on his left as they look at their Captain, who stares ahead at the horizon as Zoro stands on the other side of the ship by the kitchen, lifting weights.

"Anyway, that sure was an interesting place," Luffy states with a broad smile as if they all enjoyed it.

"Really? I've had enough of that ship graveyard." Nami said with a grunt.

"Well, it's not like I wanna live there, but I wanna visit from time to time." He argues lightly, looking at her over his shoulder.

"Was it really that nice?" Chopper asked with a skeptical look. He wasn't really that sure.

"Hm? Rain?" Zoro thought out loud as he stopped lifting weights and looked up as small pieces seemed to be falling down around them.

"It's... not rain..." Sanji reluctantly said as they moved down to the main deck.

"What is it?" Usopp wonders, looking up to see something large heading straight toward them.

"No... something's falling!" Vivi shouted as she pointed up to the sky as a large ship came crashing towards them.

"What?!" They all shout as it comes crashing down into the water next to them, causing large waves from the impact. The ship rocks on the waves as more pieces continue to shower down on them.

"Hang on! Hold on to the ship!" Zoro shouts at the whole crew over the loud noise as the waves crash around them.

"What?! What is it?! What is it?!" Nami cries out as pieces of debris keep falling from the sky.

"Dream! Yeah, this must be a dream!" Usopp deludes himself as he and Chopper flies around and smacks their heads together.

"Hey! More stuff's falling! Be careful!" Sanji shouts, and Vivi looks up too, seeing the smaller pieces of wood keep falling, but it seems to thin out.

"Turn the rudder! The rudder!" Nami ordered Zoro as he held onto the mast.

"No way that'll work in these waves!" Zoro snaps back at her, knowing the current condition they were in wasn't a good one.

"Luffy, protect the ship! It can't take this any longer!" Sanji orders a smiling Luffy, who was enjoying this.

"Got it!" Luffy agreed as he extended his open hand over the ship's railings. For a moment, nothing happened when a sudden push forced the Entire ship to move right as if someone had suddenly pushed it.

"Good job." Robin praised, looking at the place where the ship was slowly sinking.

"Why the heck did a ship fall from the sky?!" Luffy questions scratching the top of his head, and Vivi remembers something from one of her father's stories as she was growing up.

"How weird..." Usopp shivers.

"There's nothing in the sky." Zoro notices.

"Oh man, the Grand Line is a crazy place! First, we see a ship graveyard inside a rainbow mist, and then a ship falls from the sky!" Usopp shivers as he and Chopper cling to each other. They are just waiting for the next crazy thing to happen.

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