Ice Cold Camp

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Silver and Adam.., sorry "Saber Scarlet" we're bounding from rooftop to rooftop in a small suburb to Atlas. It was a week after Silver helped Watts take down a chill in the main city. This was the first mission that Marcus had decided to send Saber with Silver on. The mission was pretty simple take out some a some drug smugglers disguised as atlus soldiers, but this was different when the two had finally got to where the truck they had been following, all of the smugglers were already knocked out and most of them had mildly serious wounds "who do you think could've done this?" Apollo said over the comms "The world's ugliest Grimm if if you want my best guess" Saber said examining a man with a hole straight through his hand "Well excuse you" said an annoyed girl from behind a large stack of crates "jeez the Grimm has a voice" Saber exclaimed drawing his sword. The girl stepped out from behind the boxes revealing her white dress with baby blue accents that look like icicles, something that goes along with her white hair and blue eyes "my name is Weiss Schnee," she then turned to look Silver in the eyes "and I need your help."

The three found themselves in Silver's house with Weiss in the middle of the living room. " So how'd you find him" Marcus asked Weiss ''He appeared to save my sister after news of her team being trapped became visible in the right circles'' she said trying to keep as calm a composure as possible " I just had to get the drug ring into those circles and wait" Adam then chimed in "how many people do you meet in your missions?" "I've only been on a few, but I'll say a bit" Silver replied " my sister spoke highly of you, and how you took down the 'loki' Grimm when the two of you met" Weiss continued "So what do you need me for?" Silver bluntly asked. Weiss took a deep breath in "my little brother has been kidnapped" she said holding back tears "I know where he's been taken but I can't save him alone." Apollo was confused by this "why didn't you.." "Because the general would only settle for a full-frontal assault allowing the kidnappers to retreat and possibly kill the hostages in the process" Marcus interrupted knowing his son's question before he could finish it. "It's a mission I was going to save until the two of you were used to working together, but it seems it's gonna half to be a go now" Marcus said, aiming his words at Silver and Adam. "Wait, so how do you expect us to do this ?" Adam asked Weiss who whipped out a map from the inside of her dress and rolled it out. "There are three guard nests on the outside wall of the cliff, we are all going to take out, then with the security scrambled you two will distract the leaders as I rescue my brother." She said whilst pointing to spots on the map "by this point we should have enough time to reunite and teleport to safety.." "Wait, wait, wait, so you're telling me that this place has the ability to kidnap someone as big a name as a schnee and is definitely holding a significant amount more people." Silver ranted the anger in his voice slowly rising " and as my father pointed out they are so hair trigger as to kill all of the prisoners if any attack was made on the base, and you just expect me to leave those people to their deaths?" "What are you suggesting?" Weiss asked, "I'm going to find a way to free all those people." Silver said without hesitation " but there is only a slim chance that you could..."I don't care!" Silver interrupted, "I'm not going to leave all those lives in front of an active volcano." "Do ya have a plan?" Apollo asked "only like two-fifths of one" Silver replied "are you really gonna let him talk to her like that " Adam asked Marcus who simply leaned back with a self congratulatory smile on his face " yes, because Silver is right" Marcus said as if he had won a bet. "Well what do you say we do instead?" Weiss asked "I, Don't, Know, Yet." Silver responded with anger dropping off his tongue "well whatever we do it'll be better than sitting here arguing about it," Adam said standing up "so why don't we just go there and figure out the plan as we go?" Adam suggested stretching his arms "we can't just rush in without a plan" Weiss remarked "you're new here, but that's exactly how we do things" Apollo said putting on his headphones "guess it's a go" Silver said reapplying his face paint. "If we fail, it's one thousand percent your fault" Weiss said, sheathing her rapier.

The three teleported outside of the camp standing on the mountain that it built into. Weiss held onto Saber so that she could teleport too "what's first Mr. Leader?" Silver then took a quick look at the camp "scouting, AKA I look around alone and you two stay here" Silver said, pulling his scarf to where it covered his mouth. "What, you're just expecting us to stay here?" Weiss blew off "what are we just dead weight?" Silver then looked at her, questioning how he should phrase his thoughts "Look at your shoes alone and tell me if you think they're stealthy" he says as he leaps into the camp. Weiss then turns to look at Saber as he sits down in the snow using the metal end of his sheath as a sword sharpener." What, do you like being treated like dead weight?" "Silver's being serious" Saber said as calmly as a scarecrow in a field "what?" Weiss asked "I've only known that boy for about a week now but believe when I say this, this is the most serious I've ever seen him."

Silver stuck to the shadows as much as he could, staying out of sight "what're you looking for?" Apollo asked as silver then took an opportunity to strangle one of the kidnappers behind a tent " I'm trying to find where they keep the people" Silver whispered putting on the uniform the kidnapper was wearing "it'll be easier if I can blend in" he continued as he then took off into the tents, searching. The tents mostly contained supplies, things like weapons, ammo and food. But then Silver walked into the biggest tent and he found what looked like fifty or sixty people in two massive cages making up walls in the tent and in the far back a tall throne that a slender , tall man was sitting on. Yet the one who caught Silver's eye was a white haired boy who was beside him, chained by a color on his neck with his face covered in bruises and blood, Whitely Schnee. Then another person burst into the camp " Sir, Sir,!" He shouted in a huffy breath " there's a breach in the west side gate" the man then simply pointed at all the men in the room "the lot of you deal with it" he said in an unimpressed tone.

Silver and the other men followed the other guy to where he said the wall had been breeched where it was perfectly fine? "Where's the breech?" One of the guys said as the other person then turned around with a shepherd hook and started going to town on the troop as Silver did likewise. He then turned to see Silver and raised his weapon at him "woah,woah,woah" Silver said as he took off the uniform and reapplied his spray paint "wait Silver?" The trooper then took of his uniform and showed a familiar face " wait aren't you that sheep girl on Winter's team?" " My name's Fiona but Fi's just fine" she said fixing her hair "what're you doing here " " Weiss Schnee asked me to help her free her little brother" Fi then took in a deep breath and put on a headset "so head's up guys Silver Shadow and Winter's little sister are here" Silver then heard a loud groan from the headset including Marrow faintly saying "your sister's getting in the way of our mission 'your majesty'" Silver puzzled for a bit " I thought that Atlus didn't want to engage these guys" Fi then turned to silver " we didn't but we have good authority that they're going to relocate all of the prisoners In one or two days so our hand was kinda forced" she said whilst silver had a lightbulb go off inside his head " I think I got an idea"

Saber was still sharpening his sword when his earpiece went off " Alright guys got a plan, step one meet me at the center of the outer wall" Silver exclaimed "oh by the way tell Weiss that her sister's here" Saber then turned to Weiss and repeated Weiss, she simply groaned in pain.

Silver had already started step one and started beating the guards to the ground. After a while a sharp slashing sound came from behind him " So you both finally decided to show up huh" Silver asked rhetorically "don't act like you didn't have a head start" Weiss wined both of them started fighting as Saber then asked "so what's step two?" Silver then held up the last grunt and looked him in the eyes " tell your boss we're willing to make a deal" Silver stated motioning Saber and Weiss to sheath their weapons " everyone he already has, for Weiss Schnee" Wha-" Weiss tried to protest before Saber silenced her Silver then threw the grunt to the floor and he ran off. Saber released Weiss from his grip "What the hell do you think you're doing" she verbally exploded on Silver " don't worry princess" Silver said as he pulled out two white mop hairs tied together and a single gray mop hair "it's all part of the plan".

Whitely was in the same state of misery he'd been in for the last two weeks. His vision was blurry, his legs aching, and he could still taste the blood in his mouth. A grunt randomly ran in screaming " sir,sir" the man that Whiteley had learned to fear suddenly rose out of his throne "What are you doing away from your post?" " Sir there are three intruders, but they propose a bargain" the Man then looked at him holding his hands on his throne "What bargain?" "They ask for all our prisoners, in exchange for Weiss Schnee" The man puzzled but then said "It's a deal, if we are allowed to keep the Schnee we already have" Whitely didn't speak instead he simply cried, cried in painfull agony.

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