Ch.1 ~ Dugout

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Authors note: I intend to continue this story and try to turn it into a novel, but for now I hope to come up with at least 2 more chapters within the next month or so. Hope you enjoy!!🫶

It was a breezy summer afternoon and Josh and I were walking side by side down the side walk after a long 2 hours of baseball practice. Well, technically softball practice for me and baseball for Josh. We've had practices together every Tuesday and Thursday for the past 5 years. Our fields so happened to be straight across from each other with Vernon youth field on the left and Kelsey youth field on the right. I played for Kelsey's girls softball team and Josh played for Vernon's boys baseball. As we turned the corner on fifth avenue Josh asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. He had asked me a question where the answer varied day by day.

   "Well today I feel like being a social media sensation," I replied while scrolling through instagram.

  Just then Josh stopped and stared at me while he so lucidly stated, "Are you serious right now Kaitlyn?  You want to pose all day for some getto fashion line while they take close ups of your ass of you in a new Gucci bikini just for them to go post it online?"

I looked up from my phone and just started laughing.
    "Dude, first of all yes, I would die to pose for a fashion line while I model a Gucci bikini. Second of all, that extremely gorgeous scenario would only be reality if I were legitimately recognized nation wide on social media and some fancy fashion line actually wanted me for that kinda stuff. And lastly, idiot I'm a 135 pound Hispanic, company's want a stunning babe not a stubby babe," I explained. 

    Josh looked up from his phone and said, "okay good I don't need little  perverts stocking you all day, and your just enough pretty, guys like a girl with a lil extra curve yk?"

Just then I slapped his shoulder. "Just enough pretty?" I said giving him my  death stare combined with a little smirk.

    "Fine, I'm sorry your goRgEouS and don't stare  at those skinny barbies on your phone all day; find something more productive to do with yourself," he scoffed.
      "Wow thanks for the Ted Talk," I smirked.

   "Anytime," he joked as he poked me with his bat.

      After that it officially became a Star Wars battle with baseball bats as our light sabers. 10 minutes later we turned over to our block.

     "Wanna come over after dinner and play video games?" Josh asked.

     "Mhmm depends on what game," I questioned.

     "Fortnight?" Josh offered. "But we played that last night," I whined.

    "Fine, what should we play then," Josh asked.

    "Call of duty," I stated.

    "Alright sure, call of duty it is then," Josh replied.

       "Later princess ," he said as he walked onto his porch.
    "Bye troll," I smirked as I walked up the stairs of my house straight across.

     When we were kids we'd always play princess and dungeons, and I was the fairy princess and Josh was the troll guard. Something about it just seemed to stick with us and so ever since I was his princess and he was my troll. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember.
    Our moms went to high school together and according to the numerous albums they eventually became baby bump buds. Ironically Josh and I share the same birthday with our moms giving birth to us 16 years ago in the same hospital two doors down from each other. Josh was born in room 36B and I in 38D.
      Well I guess you could only imagine the rest. From there we've gone to the same pre, middle, and high school. Five years ago we so conveniently be came neighbors. I use to live 20 minutes away but my family outgrew our apartment ever since my mom had the triplets. Now we're a fabulous family of seven with my older sister, the babies, and our parents.
   We were able to find a really nice colonial home with a basketball court and underground pool. That wasn't even the best part for me though because when I heard Josh was gonna be my neighbor I was ecstatic. We could walk to school together, hangout more often, and live straight across from each other.
    Now I know what your prolly thinking, with such a picture perfect history how are we not falling for each other already? And honestly I've thought the same exact thing when we were watching the Fourth of July fireworks that summer when we were 14.
    We were on the balcony of the brave hearts baseball stadium and idk what happened but the second I looked away from the glowing a-bliss, our eyes locked and we just had a moment. I sensed him looking over at me but I just  thought he was looking behind at Georgia Robinson with her dead drop gorgeous self and her goonies but no, he was looking at me. He was smiling at me. Joshua Connor Eden was looking straight at little old me.
     Our eyes locked and it was like no one else was there, it was only us and the  beautiful booming of the sparkling fireworks. My heart skips a beat at the reminisce of it, but what am I saying?
    For gods sake I use to take bubble baths with this kid and run around the house playing pirates it's just unreal to think of him as that. But then again it's not the most wildest idea.
    I guess you could say I'm doing alright hanging in the dugout for now, and when it's time to step on deck I'll deal with it then. It's best if we just remain friends and don't overcomplicate things, right?

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