Ch 3~Batter Up

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Authors note: IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING SOONER. 🥲 I've been in Puerto Rico with my family and have been caught up in that adventure but I was able to get this together and I hope you guys enjoy!

"Kate you good?"
"What? Oh yeah- I'm, I'm fine."
Have I seriously been zoned out this whole time angrily ranting on about his cute face?
"Dude you were out cold and   Benny threw the bottle at your face I took a video"Josh smirked.
"Haha very funny, I'm happy that my absence enlightened you."
As I watched the video of Benny so accurately launching a bootle in my face, I reminisced on everything I was thinking before.
"Well enough of that let's get this movie night started! Josh exclaimed.
"Would you shush they just fell asleep," I reminded him.
After I laid  the babies down in the nursery josh popped some fresh popcorn, I  got the tub of sherbet out and we finished TATBILB pt.3.

"Oh me gee, I see what you girlies mean that kinda stuff really gets them water works flowing." Josh half mocked since I saw him totally  holding tears back on more of an occasion than once. 
"Ahhuhh a total heart sting mechanism," I said as I held my heart and I threw my head back on the couch.

Just then Josh's phone began to ring.

"Hey bud  just checking where you were I'm at the house."
"You were able to get it off tonight?"
"Yeah, Ronni-Anne filled in for me, so I picked up some Chinese and  thought we could eat dinner together."
"Yeah mom I'd love that, I'm just here at Kate's"
"Another movie night?"
"You  bet"
"Well if you guys are still hanging don't feel pressured to come home."
"No, no we just finished the movie now,  I'll be there in 5.  I love you."
"Love you"

  "All good?" I asked as he ended the call.
"No yeah, it's just my mom actually has the night off and she got some takeout for us." Josh said excitedly.
"That's great dude, bring some sherbet over I've got way too much," I laughed.
"Thanks princess, I'll see you tomorrow," Josh replied.
"Later troll," I said as  I watched him  walk  over to his house.

   After I picked up the living room, I went upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. As I was getting out of the shower I heard my phone ringing in my room across the hall. As soon as I finished drying up, I wrapped my bath robe on and plopped on my bed. "Hey siri answer FaceTime call," I said as I started to brush my hair.

"CHILD, where have you been?!"
"Hey to  you too zoey"
"Yeah hey, but seriously where was your phone? I've been calling and texting you for like the past hour."
"I was with josh, and remember it was movie night tonight"
"Ohh yeah how was  TATBILB ?"
"Tears were shed. How was the senior party?"
"It was.. an experience"
"Zoe kissed Tad" Skyler  said when she joined the call.
"Wait for real? Girl you going around kissing manchildren again"
"Hey hey he's a junior like us first of all, and second of all he's more of a  sophisticated manchild."
"Studies have been conducted and according to much retaliation it has been decided that all teenage guys are manchildren."
" Sky, that's only half true"
"Come on Kate,  josh is definitively  a manchild"
"Alrighty  I'll admit he has walked in public shamelessly in a power puff girls pj set but I thought he looked fabulous."
"Okay enough of this we must speak about the task at hand.. Beavers Grove!" Zoey  shouted with a mouth half full of Pringles.

   Beavers grove is the amazing four week  summer camp that josh and I have spent every summer at. It's actually where I met Zoey and Skylar when i was twelve. Zoey was on the tire swing with a mega phone singing baby by Justin Bieber and Skylar was hanging upside down on a tree branch  next to Zoey casually eating  chili fries. In that moment, I  instantly knew we were gonna be best friends. This year is a special one since Josh, Zoe, Sky and I will have graduated out from the JV years and shall enter the summer as Varsities.

  "I am so ready," I said with a flutter in my heart. "I have literally been counting down the days."

"VARSITYYY HERE WE COME!" Zoey chanted with her hand cupped around her mouth.

"Your just excited to have an excuse to see Josh's abs, " Sky  said with a smirk.

"How is anyone supposed to swim safely though with him as a lifeguard this year? we'll be way too distracted,  zoey added .

" alright yeah, him being a lifeguard this year is gonna be a huge plus. But seriously I've gotta quit this whole fantasy crush thing I've got going on." I said unconvincingly.

"Well, we all know that that'll never happen so let's just focus on reality, 'kay babe."

"Who am I fooling?" I said blushing with a laugh.

"First thing in the morning we've all gotta FaceTime so we can pack together, camps in 7 days chicas!"

"You got coach" sky replied with a little sarcastic salute."

"Love ya" we all later replied as we ended the call.

I laid back on my bed and just thought about everything. It's crazy that imma be a whole month with josh at camp. Yeah, we've gone together before but this year's different. We'll finally be old enough to go cliff diving, drive the ski boats, go to the the mindnight bomb fires, and the Varsity  Farewell formal!

The very idea of seeing josh in a tux made my heart melt. I could only hope that this time at camp could be an opportunity for me to just loosen up. Besides, where's a better place for me to pour my soul out than at the camp we grew up in? I guess you could say it's time for me to batter up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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