Surprise Before the Truth

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 A shot is fired but reflected by a knife. A silver-haired male dashed to the male in front of him who fired a shot again, causing him to stop running and jump back. Half of a giant jackal appears behind the silver-haired male. The Jackals arm lunges at the other male. The other male dodges out of the way and summons a bunch of leafs then they lunge at the silver-haired male but the jackal's arm blocks it. Then the jackal screams at the other male knocking him down.

"Now boys, I think that's enough." a woman says. "Ms. President!" the silver-haired boy says enabling his ability. "Oh come on, I didn't even get a hit in!" The other male whined. "Well, Akosua, your Release is only usable every 2 hours and those leafs was absolutely useless." she says pointing at Akosua, "Huh!? It's actually useful in various ways!" Akosua snapped "And Asura you need to stop over using your Release ability it may not have as long a wait time as Akosua but you still shouldn't over use it" she added pointing to the silver haired male. "Yes Ma'am" Asura said "Now go inside and get cleaned up we have a new client.", "Yes Ma'am" Akosua and Asura say in unison. As Akosua and Asura are getting ready to talk to the client, Akosua hits Asura "OW!! What the hell was that for?" Asura yelps. "Cuz I didn't get a hit earlier." Akosua explains. "Seriously? That's why you're annoying and immature." Asura remarked and then opened the door to the room the client was in.

"Hello" Asura says in a welcoming tone, "H-hello" A nervous woman says as the 2 men sit down, "I am Asura Ruther and this is my partner Akosua Epochés, and you are?" Asura asks. "Ummm I think you're my partner not the other way around but whatever." Akosua adds, Asura looks at Akosua disappointingly. "My name is Julie Millertons" she says shaking "Alright Ms. Millingtons, what seems to be the problem?" Akosua asks. "M-my husband was m-murdered and I'm scared that they'll come for me and my daughter next." she weeps. "Murdered?" Akosua thinks to himself, "Do you know who?" Asura asks. "No, all I know is that it's an organization called Linziode; I don't know when or how he got tangled with them though." she continues. "Maybe it'd be best if we figured out some information about this organization" Akosua says "for the time being you should stay at the agency's residence".

"Alright, thank you so much." She sobs, as the two men leave the room.

Asura looks at Akosua and sees the glimpse of anger in his eyes, "You know it's not your fault, right?" Asura reassures him, "We could've stopped this from ever happening if we would investigate things rather than wait for them to come to us after the fact." Akosua mumbles; Asura sighs,"I agree but still calm down."

Akosua bumps into something small. "Hey! What the hell!?" he shouts looking around, he sees nothing, then he looks down, then he sees a small brunette child "Oh! August I didn't see you there." He apologizes "Hmph!" the child scoffs "Have you seen Cheaye?"Asura bends to his level "She's in the library like usual!" August says in a happy tone. "Thanks August." Asura says, patting his head and leaving. "Why the hell doesn't like me? I'm nice." Akosua says once their at a safe distance from August, Asura shrugs his shoulders.

They stand in front of the large double doors. "Well can't wait for this interaction." Akosua says while swinging the door open "CHEAYEEEEEEE!!!!" he calls out sing-songy.

"HELLOOOOO~?" he continued while walking around the large and elevated library "HELLO?" his voice echoes with no response through the frigid and dark library "Do you need something?" a cold feminine voice says "Cheaye there you are...." Asura says, an awkward aura starts to form, "Yeah." she grumbled, "We need your help, do you know anything about Linziode?" Asura asked not wanting to be there any longer than needed. "Hmm... yes it's a very unknown religion but it's also somehow very popular." she says pushing a ladder. "

"RELIGION?" Akosua chimed in, "A religion that kills people in 2034?!" Asura questioned putting on that unoriginal thinking face. "Found it!" Cheaye says in a slightly excited voice she climbs down the ladder "Here!" the book was titled the "Truth of Linziode":

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