Secrets of the Contracts

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"Alright were you here" Asura says opening the car door "huh? This is the place?" They stood in front of a back alley that was wet from the constant rain storms, the sides of the buildings had doors and most had colorful lights decorating them. "Where are we going?" Akosua ask peeking at Asura "you just answered the phone and told us we had to dip"

"Well cheya called me and said she found a merchant who sells everything including information-" he states as he starts to walk in the half lit dump "how do we know that they'll know about linziode?" Akosua asks.

"Honestly? We don't, buuut I'm going to trust Cheaye on this one, they're other people who know about it anyways." Asura said, kicking a rock. "She could literally be leading us in a deathtrap but okay." Akosua sassed. Creatures chittered and some people even stepped out of their homes to see what was outside.

As the pair walked they saw a house made out of a moss with glowing mushrooms of all shapes, sizes, and colors illuminating it and its path. "Welcome! I say welcome because you both are so obviously not from here and are gazing at my home." A breathy yet elegant voice greeted them from somewhere. Akosua and Asura look behind a large green mushroom located to the left of the voice's house to see a pale figure behind a stand saying: "AMBROSE THE MERCHANT" He beckons them to the stand, "Apologies for the scare, meeting new people can be pretty scary after all." He grins widely and puts his elbows on the counter. There was a girl with shoulder length black hair and golden eyes, who was covered by his silky black hair. She stands beside the man, quiet.

"Uh huh, yeah who are you supposed to be?" Akosua skepticizes. "..." He waves to the sign overhead, "Am..boorse? Amborse, did you get a call from someone named Cheaye?" he lightly nods yes, "Then you know why we're here, right?" Asura says. "Well yes..but there's a limit to how much I can tell." Ambrose says in a breathy tone, he passes a paper to them. They both look at each other in a concerned way, they sign their names after reading the contract. Ambrose looks at the signed contracts and nods his head then says "Here's the information". They take a paper with the information. "Thank you." Akosua says, as he and Asura leave.

"I didn't expect appear directly in front...of them." Ambrose says, staring at the signed contract, "I was bored~, and I was interested in their Release Abilities." the girl says. Ambrose sighs deeply, "Why'd you have to dress like a.. girl..?" "I'on know, I guess I just wanted to." the black hair giggles.

"TODAY WAS SOOO CRAZYY!" Akosua yells busting into the protection agency doors, "Please, I couldn't agree more." Asura says, walking calmly beside him. "Your always easy to find Akosua, the president needs you in her office." Cheaye says walking back to her library. "Why does it feel like I'm being called into the principal's office?" Akosua says nervously to Asura. "Mmhmm?" He says as he shrugs his shoulders "I don't know but you better get going." Akosua nervously walks to the presidents office. He walks in and sits down. "So ummm, what do you need?" Akosua asks nervously "Oh there's no need to be nervous Akosua, I just need a favor? A small one." she gleams, "Oh, ok, so what is it?" Akosua asks, relaxed , finally calming down. "Sooo, August is starting school in a couple of months and I haven't had the time to teach him any self defense techniques, soo I need you to teach him." He almost falls out of his seat with laughter "Oh wait you're serious. Come on Vi, you know August doesn't like me." he says. "Akosua, I know he doesn't like you but you're the best combatant here and you're a great teacher. I need you." Violet flatters. "UGH!" He complains, "Fine, but I want a raise; Okay?" Akosua demands, frustrated as he slams the door on his way out. "Okay." She smiles. She sighs, cupping her face in her hand and sipping her tea. "So, what did she call you in for?" Asura asks Akosua, "She wants me to teach August self defense." Akosua says, still upset. "Hehehe, I'd pay to watch that." Asura jokes. "I'm gonna slap you." "I'd like to see you try." "Oh really? You wanna bet?" They both laugh and giggle on their way to there way home

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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