Story's of Anger

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"RELIGION?" Akosua chimed in, "A religion that kills people in 2034?!" Asura questioned putting on that unoriginal thinking face. "Found it!" Cheaye says in a slightly excited voice she climbs down the ladder "Here!" the book was titled the "Truth of Linziode":

"Millions of years ago there was a boy who never was able to go outside due to allergies to the sun. He prayed to god everyday wishing to be cured. His parents were called demons for giving birth to something like him. This was how it went for sixteen years until the boy ascended from a man to a god. This day was when his parents were out but the boy was used to it as his parents had to go very far to get work.. The boy was praying as usual but was interrupted by lights outside golden balls of great fire, the door was knocked down and the boy was startled, not just startled, horrified; It wasn't sunny outside but the light was brighter than anything he had seen before. Yet it was coming from a mortal. The intruders laughed at his attempt to hide himself from the light. "Please's too bright," the boy pleaded. The man who was causing the fire with his Release Ability snickers as he points his hand releasing fire directly at him, at the same time the boy puts his hands out. In that moment all the fire is sucked up into the palms of the boy's hands not just the fire in fact , everything out of the man his shrivelled corpse falls to the ground. "Devil!" the man shouts at the boy "he truly is cursed!" the other says the boy stares at his hands. A smile grows on his face "is this god rewarding me, after giving me such a hard life i've been rewarded with this power i shall ascend to a god" that being said the boy looks up to the men still in front of him "let's learn how to use this,"

Akosua's phone rings and he answers it saying "Mhm Yeah ok we will be there asap." "Uh we will" Asura says confusedly. "Yeah now come on," Akosua says while rushing out of the library. Akosua and Asura get out of the car and look at the top of a building and see a small girl about to jump." Give me a boost" Akosua says "Why can't you use one of your abilities?" Asura asks, "I don't even know what ability I'm gonna need after I get up there." Akosua explains "That's fair I guess. Here you GO!" Asura says while using his power to throw Akosua to the top of the building. "Hi, my name is Akosua Epochés. What's yours?" Akosua says in a comforting voice. "Like, you care?" the girl blubbers "Why doesn't anyone care about me? " Akosua thinks to himself. "Oh well why do you yuh know, wanna jump?" Akosua asked impolitely, breaking the awkward silence. "Cause no one cares about me." the little girl sniffled. "Of course someone cares about you like your parents." Akosua assures her, trying to cheer her up. "They're dead, I'm an orphan." The little girl bawls. even more upset. "Oh well, the orphanage also cares about you and what about your friends," Akosua says, making another attempt to cheer her up. "They kicked me out and have none,'' says the little girl even sadder than before "O-oh well I care about you." Akosua says, startled. "No you don't you're just saying that to be nice so I wouldn't jump" The little girl says angrily. "What I do care about you, why else would I be here right now?" Akosua says annoyed. "Cuz it's your job also you're just in it for the money you don't really care about people '' the little girl says. " In it for the money, doesn't really care about people'' Akosua mumbled angrily. Akosua snapped, punching the girl in the face. "I DO CARE ABOUT PEOPLE OK!!" Akosua yells. "WHAT THE HELL MAN AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD GUY!!" the little girl yells. 'The punch didn't hurt though, is he Weak?' the little girl thinks to herself " I AM APART OF THE PROTECTION AGENCY DAMMIT '' Akosua yells while tearing up. "WELL IF YOUR APART OF THE PROTECTION AGENCY WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT MY PARENTS '' the little girl yells sadly. "I CALLED THE PROTECTION AGENCY BUT YOU GUYS DIDN'T COME, YOU CLEARLY DON'T' SO CARE '' the little girl shouts. "YOU THINK WE DON'T CARE YOU THINK WE DON'T TRY AND HELP AS MANY PEOPLE AS WE CAN!?" Akosua yells and cries. "HE PUNCHED HER!?, I need to get up there," Asura yells in head. "Now come down and use the steps this time," Akosua says. "What?" the little girl shouts "Well fine I'll make you" Akosua says while grabbing her arm and dragging her down the steps. Akosua, Asura and the little girl get in the car and drive back to the agency. "You're totally getting fired, you know that right '' Asura says "Uh I may not know the director and how she is " Akosua explains. "Yeah you may just be right" Asura says, " But you can't just kidnap kids' ' the little girl says "But you're not just any kid August. Yeah you really think I wouldn't notice your disguise is not that convincing," Akosua says. "Dang it I guess I need to work on my disguises anyway you passed and failed the test." August says "Uhhhh what test?" Akosua and Asura say confusedly and in unison. "There's a test for every member of the protection agency when they have been there for more than 5 years to see if they should keep their job. Mommy hasn't told you about this?" August explains. " is that considered a pass!?" Asura says, shocked. "Also when you hit it didn't hurt, why was that?" August asked "Oh yeah I guess you don't know my ability, four seasons allows me to use the 4 Seasons power. But I can only use 1 Seasons power every 2 hours, the season I chose was spring. My spring ability Allows me to Heal myself and others and make them feel good and relaxed, it also smells good" Akosua explains. "Also you're really bad with kids, like why would you hit a kid if you knew it was me" August says. "Well not the first punch I figured it out when you first yelled at me. Sorry for punching you, I hope you can forgive me." the girl scoffs. Asura's phone rings, breaking their awkward conversation "hello.... Ok.....send me the know damn well i'm not going to remember that just text it...ok.. Alright, bye" he says hang up his phone. "Come on Akosua we need to go" he says "but" "no buts" Asura cuts him off ,"bye." August says

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