Episode 2

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Driving home Rain is starting to really appreciate what Phayu had done to his car, and for free at that! He doesn't remember a time when his car was this clean and nice. Not that he is a messy person, he just never deep-cleaned his car before. So looking at his car now it looks spotless and smells amazing. Brand new! My baby looks brand new! he thinks excitedly. When his phone starts to ring "Hello?" he says to the person on the other side of the phone still in a good mood. "Only ill-mannered kids don't come and greet homeowners when they visit." Rain now confused as to who called him in the first place looks at his phone to see he doesn't recognize the number. "um who is this?" when the person on the other end starts to laugh at him, is when he figures out who it is. Mother fucker he thinks. Now that rain thinks about it, he does remember the form he signed, they had asked for his phone number that bastard! he thinks beyond annoyed now. "You got the memory of a goldfish." Phayu snickers. 

"Hey, what's your problem?" Rain asks incredulously. "It's me, Phayu." Rain rolls his eyes "How the hell did you even get my number?" Rain yells at Phayu through the phone.  "don't tell me." Rain sighs, thinking about how he shouldn't have sighed the damn form in the first place.  "So now you think it's okay to steal a client's number for personal reasons?" He sighs into the phone. "Unprofessional" he adds. 

"Need I remind you that we have yet to discuss the repair cost, Mr. Client?" Phayu replies smugly. Rain can't stand this man, who would like such a cocky guy?  he thinks irritated.  "Huh? you said it was free." Rain says again worried about how much all this is going to cost him. "Nothing in this world is free." Phayu replies, and you can hear his smirk through the phone. "How much?" Rain asks just wanting to end this conversation. "It's not 'how much?' but 'what'" Phayu replies laughing, and Rain wants to throttle him at that answer. "I have money to pay, Give me a fee." Rain sassed back at him. "But I don't want money Rain," 

"Then what do you want?" He asks skeptically. "It's very simple Rain. From now on, you need to speak and act like an educated person. I don't want people to say that my junior lacks manners. That's all. And let's just say if you don't follow that simple rule I'll know" Phayu says matter-of-factly and hangs up on Rain. "Hey wait!" Rain says He scolded me like that and just hung up on me, a well-behaved, role-model student like me lacks manners? yeah right, and why do I have to be polite to someone like you?  Rain thinks. Frustrated he turns his radio back on. "And besides what will really happen if I don't follow his stupid rules pft probably nothing" Rain grumbles. 

"Widespread storms are expected today, please plan ahead for slick roads and travel delays." Rain more frustrated turns his radio off. "Ugh, Dammit Phayu is all I hear about wherever I go! I've had enough of it. Phayu, Phayu, Phayu, over and over again! I don't want anything to do with that asshole! not anymore." 

Phayu laughs at rains reaction to his call. He was expecting him to act like that. Smiling down at his phone is when Saifha says something to him "Looks like someone's in a happy mood today." he looks up at Phayu from the magazine he's holding. "Not as happy as you," Phayu replies amused at his brother's antics. He knows his brother is just trying to get answers from him "Then get into a serious relationship if you wanna be happy like me." Saifha says seriously getting back to his magazine. Phayu is jealous of his younger brother, not only is he still with his high school sweetheart, but his previous significant others haven't backstabbed him or the family. Phayu's other partners took him for granted, one dated him for intel on his family, and the rest when finding out how rich he was just wanted his money, wanting this and that. So he hasn't dated anyone in a while. 

"How long have you been single?" Saifha chides laughing at himself. But Phayu isn't even paying attention he's more focused on what he should name Rain in his phone. Now that he stole his number. "Don't tell me, Are you hiding something from me?" Saifha smirks now more interested. "I'll tell you when something actually happens" Phayu replies as he gets up "Now I gotta get back to work, it's waiting on me." he laughs at himself and walks away. Who the hell makes you smile like that? I sure do feel sorry for them. Saifha thinks getting back to his magazine.

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