Episode 4

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Note: Hello guys.... lmao guess whose back to updating lmao. Hope you liked this long chapter to make up for it? What is your guess on who is talking to sky I wanna know! hehe ok enjoy <3

Phayu is late for the family dinner again, but when he parks his bike in the driveway he notices that Prapai's bike isn't here yet either. "Hmm that's weird," he thinks as he starts taking his helmet off. When he takes off his helmet, he notices in his bike's mirror that his hair got messed up in the process. As he starts to retie his hair he hears his Uncle yell at him from the open door to the main house.

"There is one of my favorite nephew! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!" his uncle screams startling him. "Uncle Tankhun, you scared me..." he says he's not even all the way off the bike when Tankhun marches over there and yanks him off the bike. "I didn't make all this food for nothing brat let's go!!" He says as he drags Phayu into the house. Phayu has been in the main house many of times but It never ceases to amaze him at the old architecture of the building. High ceilings and family pictures light up the hallway as if this is a normal family and not the mafia. He walks into the room and bows respectfully as he walks in. They do the same when they see him.

"Look who the cat dragged in," someone from the table said as he and Tankhun took their seat at the table. "Shut the fuck up Macau" Phayu grumbles sitting down in his chair. As he looks around the table he notices there is a new person sitting next to Macau, he recognizes him from the races but doesn't know him that well. But come to think of it this looks like the guy Prapai sometimes stops and chats with at the races, not entirely his friend but I guess you could call him an acquaintance of some sort. Not to mention he's seen him around the main house when Gun's dad is doing business with their family.

But why then is he sitting here at a family dinner of all places? "Gun right?" Phayu says nodding his head toward the guy. "Yeah, that's me." He says going back to his conversation. Phayu can't seem to place it but something seems off about Gun. But maybe he's just overthinking it. As Phayu's still sizing him up but he doesn't realize that Gun notices him doing that. "Ignore his intense stare man he's always like that. He gets it from my brother for sure." Macau says rolling his eyes and turning his head to glare at Phayu. Gun just chuckles at that.

The family and the new guest who's apparently Macau's new best friend eat their dinner in peace, random conversations here and there but its mostly quiet. Once the dinner is over Phayu gets a call to go back to the garage to help. "I got to head back to the garage to help with a car. I'll come home tonight so I'll see you guys later." He says addressing his parents. "But thanks again for dinner Khun, It was good as usual." He tells his uncle. "Thank you Phayu, at least someone appreciates me." He pouts to his brother as if he isn't the most spoiled in this family. Phayu chuckles at his family's antics as they bicker as he gets his stuff to leave. Phayu leaves his house with a smile on his face. Knowing he has such an amazing family he can lean back on.

"Anyways how have you been?" Macau asks gun as everyone calms down. "Actually not the best.." Gun trails off loud enough for the whole table to stop talking, being the nosy people they are. "Why not the best?" Macau asks as his family now has stopped talking to hear what Gun has to say. "Ah well, that scummy ex of mine again. I hate to keep bringing him up but I guess at the last race the one we couldn't attend. Well, he snuck in that day and threatened my friends and me. I'm just over his stalking and harassment he needs to get a life. He was only in it for the money and when that wasn't working out he cheated on me with my friends!? Unbelievable." Gun huffs stabbing his fork into the food and taking one more bite. This family knows more than anyone about having to deal with gold diggers and cheaters. People in the mafia world and out of it date this family for that exact reason. They just were hoping it would be different for Phayu and Prapai but turns out were obviously wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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