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"B-b-but... I don't even know your son... And i.. don't think he will love me because... Im poor..."

"i'm sure, he will dear. He may be a cold person but... Don't worry he will love you" she gave me a warm smile

"but ma'am... I think your don deserves a kind woman and rich.. Unlike me..."

"Either you're poor or rich, you're deserved to be loved if only you're a  kind boy" she said while winking

"uhm... But i think i rather focus on my study first, ma'am"

"understandable, young boy... But my question is.. Do you still study til' now?" i became speechless from her question... Ofcourse i don't now i got dropped out like 1 week ago

"uhm.. No..."

"Well.. I can pay for your enrollment, and your tuition if you decide to marry my son, and live together with him" she grinned

I think hard whether should i accept this or not... But i'm marrying a random person that i barely knew and rich. But in the other side, i can start my studies again and won't be homeless again.. Waaaaaa I don't know what to choose!

"so do you agree young man?" she questioned while smiling

"Y-yes" i said hesitately

"great choice boy, now you're officially my son too" i gave her an akward smile

"Come on, follow me to our way home" i followed her til we get to a cab, i was nervous all the time because, im gonna marry a mysterious guy... She patted my shoulder to calm me down, i gave her a warm smile as a thank you

"we're here" i closed the door of the cab, and my eyes were glistening.. It's a mansion...

"follow me inside young boy to meet your new future husband" i followed her, while i keep my head low down

We entered inside the mansion and it was so big and elegant, that made my mouth formed 'o'

"Wait here and just sit, i'll go call jeonghan" i freezed at my spot when i heard a familiar name

"j-jeonghan..?" i mumbled quietly, as i watch her took the stairs

Now i was left with by myself, thinking if its the jeonghan my ex or not... But hoping for not to be jeonghan, i embraced myself for whatever will happen in just a few second
After a minute have past, i heard a foot steps from the second floor, i became more nervous because of this

They walked down, while my eyes was still closed, hoping for the best

"Jeonghan meet your new husband"

"why do you have to partner up with me with someone poor and plus a guy ughh i told you i will not move on from Yujin, mom. I promised her i will ait for her" my eyes finally opened and saw the face of the one who i really don't want to see... Yoon jeonghan

"Dear, she already left you for her business trip and she wasn't going back ever, she's a spoiled if you don't know" his mother said, maintaining her calm voice, until the guy faced me with surprised too

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO HER LIKE THAT, COMPARE TO THIS PER- jo-joshua?" i was speechless, couldn't say any word

"You know him son?" she looked at him, but his eyes turned dark and cold

"I'll get going now, and don't you dare control my life with that pathetic guy, you don't even know him well too, he's much a lot of worser than my ex girlfriend, now please if you excuse me" he said in cold tone before walking out to the door

I lowered down my head, trying not to tear up with what he just said, "pathetic guy" "much more a lot of worser than my girlfriend" stabbed me in the deepest part of my heart

"dear, umm ignore him, im sure he will loved you back I PROMISE!" i smiled at her, painfully. Knowing i was not fully welcomed. I knew it anyways

"Ma'am that's enough, i would like to thank you for trying your best to give me chance to live again. Sorry i failed you or your own son, yes i became his boyfriend once. But he left me without explanation. Maybe i didn't loved him much as her ex girlfriend did... I owe you a lot for doing your best ma'am, although it was fail. Now i'll go home now" i smiled trying not to cry. I stood up holding my guitar and my backpack behind me, i walked to the doors, and turned around once more to smile at the woman

"Thank you again ma'am"

I walked out to the doors and was greeted by the cold air breeze, making me shuver from cold, as i only wore a sweater

Once i reached the gate, i didn't called for a cab but i walked, since i don't have money

While i was walking on my way back to finding random place to live, a black ferrari car walked past by me, opening the window, i was greeted by jeonghan, he glared at me and said

"Don't you ever see yourself right in front of my eyes" he said and i replied back with a weak voice

"I promise i won't jeonghan... And don't worry tho, i only have to live for 6 days and by that day you won't ever see me again" i smiled warmly, although i can see his guilt on his face

"all i want this christmas was you being happy with someone you really loved and i hope you two will get together again... And thats all i can wished for" i teared up saying it, since i won't be by his side anymore, so before it got worst i runned as fast as i could before he could catch up

"I've always loved you hannie.. Why...?"

February 13, 2023

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