chapter 2-the stray has a home?

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-time skip two days-

So I tried literally everything to find my cousin but of course nothing can go my way for once so I give up. I have been stuck in this motel for 3 days now and these days have been going by so slowly I want to shoot myself it feels like I'm going fucking insane, and I also have no where to go after this I'm screwed all I know is that I'm not going back to that hellhole of house maybe I'll have to get a job and I can keep staying at the motel I don't know, I walk over to the bag to food and nothings there "fuck my life didn't I literally just got food" I harshly whisper to myself whatever I get the room key and my bag then leave I wanna make this a short trip because it's almost dark out and I don't feel like getting killed tonight.

-august didn't know what was waiting for her out on the cold streets of Detroit.-

I walk out of the store with more food than last time this better last longer, when I woke up I had a bad feeling about today and that feeling just keeps getting stronger and stronger but I am also a really paranoid person after the shit with my mom happened I hear footsteps right behind me no one else is on the street, god why did I go out of my room today I always trust my instinct but no not tonight I was like hey why not just go down for like 10 minutes and get food since I'm starving.

I hear the footsteps they are getting closer to me by the second and you would think I should just use my powers since I can literally shoot electricity out of my hands but ever since I used them to get out of the lab I haven't used them I too was scared to hurt anyone with it so I just told myself I would never use them I would be a normal teen girl well on the outside I mean, I focus again I hear the footsteps but now they are right behind me then all the sudden it comes to a stop and I hear a big thud on the trash can next to me I jump and I look to see what was happening I freeze when I realize it's the guy from two days ago the one I bumped into and before I can do anything he drags the guy into the alleyway I follow him confusingly then he starts punching the ever-loving shit out of him till he passes out

"what was that for and who are you" I stare at him in shock "wait have you been following me this whole time" I say wanting answers from whatever just happened "no that's not-" he stopped as I stand there motioning for him to spill it "look I'm not here to hurt you I'm Dick Grayson I'm a detective" he showed me his badge "and I heard that these guys working for a lab they were trying to take you and I couldn't let that happen" I can tell he cares about me but why he doesn't even know me "okay first this seems really sketchy and second how did you figure out they were talking about me" he laughs a little "well as I said I'm a detective and I know how to get my way with people, so the other men are supposed to come back to pick you up so I suggest we move now and I'll explain everything when we get in the car" he spoke with urgency

I know I probably shouldn't go but everything in my body is telling me he is good and that he won't hurt me but if I'm wrong well that would suck wouldn't it

"uh who said I was getting in your car" I stand a there while giving him a weird look "I know you might not trust me but there is another girl in the car who also needs help and we need to leave now for your guys' safety" he walks away in the direction of which I'm assuming is the way of his car he looks back "you coming? " I roll my eyes "yeah yeah I'm comin just please don't kidnap me detective grayson " I slyly say as he get's to his car "real funny now come on" I get in the car then he goes to the motel and I get the rest of my things together when I get back in the car I try and lighten the mood so lean over to the raven haired girl in the passenger seat "hey I'm august" as I put out my hand for her to shake it "I'm Rachel so are you another stray, dick over here decided to rescue" I let out a breathy laugh "yeah I guess you could say that" she finally reaches for my hand but when she got a hold of my hand she freezes for about 10 seconds and I shake her trying to get her out of whatever was happening she finally came out of the trancelike state she just looked at me sadly but I just watch her as I'm sitting there puzzled but I don't ask any questions we act like nothing happened . Rachel breaks the awkward silence in the car "where are we going" she sounds sad I feel bad I hope I didn't do something wrong to upset her in anyway "somewhere safe" dick answers in short and monotone demeanor "wow don't give us to much information there dick" me and Rachel just look at him then each other she gives me a little smile while dick continues to drive but Rachel has more to say "my mom says there is no such things as monsters-" she looks out the window she voice shakes "I think she was wrong" I look over at her and she glares at me with this look of her pain and hurt I barely new this girl but I knew I wanted to help her.

authors note- this chapter took a little longer I literally started writing it at school and I'm just not finishing it at 10pm hope you enjoy it know it's not to great but I'm trying, I love Rachel and Augusts bond and it's finally gonna get better over the course of the book oh and I will get more in-depth on how dick knows about her and how he found out .byeeeee<33

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