chapter 3-Road trips, Taylor swift and Betrayal

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Middleburg heights Ohio

We have been driving for hours in nothing but silence other than me trying to make conversation "can we stop somewhere I'm hungry"

Dick looks back at me then to Rachel "how about you Rachel you hungry there's a diner a couple miles away want to go there" he's says while looking at both of us then to the road again "yeah sure I don't really care what we do" we finally get to the diner "oh thank god I can stretch my legs, you know dick your back seat is very small for my long legs" I say deciding I'm gonna be dramatic because why not, dick just lets out a small laugh "okay I'll make sure to get a car with more backseat leg room just for you and your long legs" I fake laugh "yes please that would be great" he just scoffs "also you talk like a dad you know that" he opens the door of the diner for me and Rachel "no I didn't know that should I be offended" we all get in the diner "maybe just a little bit" the lady walks over to us then starts takes our order "Thank you, Rachel, August you guys want hot chocolate or something" he points at us "No I'll have a water and some eggs" I order knowing I'm probably really dehydrated and I need some type of food in my system "Just coffee. Black." Rachel says while looking out the window "I bet they have marshmallows" I dont know what he was trying to get at here she was dead set on getting this coffee "I'm not a kid" I can hear Rachel starting to upset and I know dick can too because he just sits back and doesn't say anything else about her choice of drink "okay same for the lady" more silence washes over them "My mom didnt like me to drink coffee" I sit there wondering what happened to her mom she reaches over me and gets the sugar and pours an shit ton of into her coffee dick chuckles "sweet tooth huh" I sit back and just sip on my water and eat my eggs "dude you should've just got hot chocolate at this point" I speak as dick let's out a stifled laugh Rachel looks over at me and dick then gives us the death stare and we take it as a sign to leave it be.

"Rachel has anything like what happened ever happen to you before" dick all the sudden get's even more serious than he normally is I see Rachel stiffen in her seat, what happened back there that is so bad? "No- not like that, I didn't mean to kill that guy" should I be listening to this conversation but I watch her closely so does dick oh that's what this is about was she a criminal or something not that I'm judging I know all too well what it's like to be judged by a one mistake you made "How did you kill that guy" dick needs to take it easy on her I can hear the sadness In her voice and he's just rubbing salt on an opened wound, she doesn't answer but instead she looks around finds something and stares at it for a few seconds as me and dick try to figure what she's looking at. "We're gonna go see some old friends of mine. They're safe They'll give us a place to lie low for a second get our heads together, figure out what to do next.-" Me and Rachel exchange a look of uncertainty and worry "you guys are scared I get it, hey no one else is gonna get to you guys I promise ." he's making a lot of promises "where else am I going anyway" she says "yeah and I'm not going back to that terrible motel in Detroit" he was looking at Rachel then slowly looks at me "actually we're staying in a motel tonight then we'll leave in the morning" I think to myself wow how great is that "I don't care as long as it's not like the other one" dick just nods as he get's up after leaving a 15 dollars on the table we take it as a hint for us to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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