Police Punchout

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Ash walked into the town hall. They walked up the halls, executing everyone they came across. Although they weren't too familiar with this building (for example, they entered a room full of recordings about different statements from 200X to today), soon enough, they arrived at the mayors office.
There was a meeting going on in there, between mayor Holiday, a human, and another monster, a tall skeleton.
"And that's why the combination of human and monster technology could benefit..." The human was cut off by Ash barging into the room.
"Sorry, the door was locked."
"As it's meant to be!" Said the human angrily. "What are you doing here, kid!?"
Ash looked at the human, then the skeleton, then the mayor.
"Let's get to the point."
In an instant, Ash blasted the room with green light, immobolising the three people in the meeting.
"Cool, huh?" Asked Ash, taunting the three. "I came up with this after fighting with the convenience-store guy. He didn't last long after that..."
"Kris, what are you-"
"Calm down, mayor Holiday. I just want to make a deal. You tell the monsters to come outside, and you'll survive. If not, well..." And Ash summoned his blade "...there will be consequences. For example..." In an instant, Ash summoned a blade, slashing trough the human with it. "So, what do you say?"
"Kris, if you think I'll let you do anything, you are wrong..."
Ash glared at the mayor. How strong is her willpower? How determined IS she? The mayor was obviously struggling to break free, but it didn't seem like she'll give up.
"Look, if I get strong enough, I could rewind time and fix everything! I could make this world a better place, and I could even heal Rudy and bring Dess back. Don't you want this, Holiday?"
"I... I..."
The skeleton cut the mayor off, garbling some made-up language while shaking his hands left and right.
"What's he saying?" Asked Ash.
"What if this 'plan' doesn't work?" Said the mayor, slowly growing more determined to break free. She knew she could, but then Ash would just kill her.
In an instant, Ash executed the skeleton, glaring at the mayor.
"One. Last. Chance."
"No, I won't..."
Ash sighed. They needed the mayor to let everyone know to come outside. But... It is not worth it to go house to house, killing the residents there one by one... They've gotten good at it anyways...
With one slash, the mayor was dust.
"I'm sorry, Noelle..." They mumbled. "But her sacrifise will be worth it, Angel... It will all be worth it..."

Noelle barged into the police office, but only Napstablook was there.
"Oh hello." Said the shy ghost.
"Where's Undyne?!?" Noelle asked.
"I'm here I'm here." Said the fish monster.
Undyne was tall, her police suit reflecting the light in the room.
"What's up, kid?" She asked, sitting down at her table.
"Well, I- I wanted to show you this" the deergirl said, placing the security camera's monitor on the table.
"The store cams?" Undyne asked. "How did you get this and why are you showing this to me?"
"Just- just look, okay?"
Noelle turned the cameras on, and saw that the store was a mess. The shelves were turned over, the fridges were shattered, the tower of shopping bascets were knocked down, and the whole store was covered in dust.
"What the hell happened here?" Asked Undyne. "I've never seen this much dust anywhere before!"
"W-well, look." Said Noelle, rewinding the video to the end of Kris's and Sans's fight. Sans lost.
"What is wrong with that kid?!?" Yelled Undyne, grabbing her handgun. "I'll show them! Come on Blooks, we're going!"
"And how can I help?" Asked Noelle.
"With going home and staying put. You already helped us find something interesting, and that's all you should do."
"But Kris-"
"Will be dealt with." Said Undyne with a confident grin, as she ran out of her office.
"Well... You heard her." Said Napstablook. But Noelle wasn't willing to just sit back and watch it go down. She has to stop Kris before they go too far.
Without a moment of hesitation, she ran out of the police office to find her friend.

"Hey, punk!"
That voice struck Ash while they were walking out of their... of their previous house. They've lost count at this point. They were quick, and reached about Lv 17. Just 3 more to go...
Ash turned to the voice and saw Undyne, the police chief ready to fight. They sighed. Summoning their yellow blade, they blasted the fish monster with a yellow bullet.
Undyne quickly dodged the attack, shot back with her gun, hitting the human's shoulder. Their eyes flashed green as the healed the wound, but the police chief was quickly approaching. Ash created a shield around thenselves, and prepared to blast the fish monster with an attack, but suddenly, Ash felt something... cold...
"Oh not again!-" They yelled as they summoned their blazing blade to block the Iceshock Attack. The swords also knocked Undyne back, and she looked quite worried...
Ash quickly realised that the fire swords are their best weapons for this fight, as they saw Napstablook and Noelle arriving.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't our little angel." Said Ash, trying to push Noelle's buttons. But Noelle kept it cool.
"Kris, please!" She said. "I know you don't want this! But we can still fix this, okay? We'll just..."
"Stop..." Ashes responce was calm, collected, like how they answered before... this.
"Please just stop... Don't give me that face. It isn't worth it anymore..."
Undyne tried to strike Kris down but they blocked the attack and sliced in her face. The police chief screamed in pain as Ash summoned a dozen flaming blades from the ground, dusting the heroic police chief.
"Goodbye, Noelle!" Ash yelled as they striked the deergirl. But suddenly, out of nowhere, Napstablook jumped in front of Noelle, reflecting the attack.
Ash striked Napstablook two, three, four, five times. Nothing. Ghost can't be harmed by physical means, and they can protect the people behind them...
The human soon got tired out, and Noelle tried to use sleepmist on them. Finally, it all ends here... right?

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