A Fimalir Sight

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His fist was raised high above the other's face, pinning him down and holding him close with his other hand. This sight was too fimalir to them both, Sun Wu Kong had to do this! Macaque was the cause! But the great sages fist shook and as his angry glare got slimmer at Macaque's he saw him brace himself for it......... No..... no not him. Not again. The Great Sage thought as his face soften with a shocked expression and lowered his hand. That one simple reaction brought Wukong back to the real world, and the real problem at hand.

"What? Scared of hurting me?! That didn't stop you before did it?!"
Macaque called out angrily, thousands of years and it seemed like only now Sun Wu Kong showed his regrets. How pathetic, but at the same time there was relief in the shadow ones head. He'd never show it but it was there. "COME ON! HIT ME!" Macaque shouted as anger boiled over. He couldn't show his true emotions, that was a sign of weakness. Adding on to the fact that his ex best friend was suddenly acting like this made him even madder.

Macaque had every right to be mad at Wukong but he still knew Macaque best, even if they'd grown apart Wukong could tell Macaque's true emotion. Macaque could never hide it from him. It was impossible, Wukong knew he was only using his anger a shield. "No Macaque, not again. Besides, we need to work together right now and stop this!" Wukong pointed at Mei. She was still screaming in pain as the flames surrounded and consumed her body.

Macaque glared at Wukong, did he really think that after all this time he'd just help him?! Like how he "helped" Macaque when their home was destroyed?! Or when- enough. A thought crawled into Macaque's head. Enough? He thought, this time questioning it. He'd never had that happen before. He was still pissed off don't worry but that impulsive thought caught him off guard.

"I know you hate me for everything I've done and I promise I'll make it right Macaque! But please! Don't let your anger blind you like it did me!" Wukong pleaded with Macaque, practically begged. Macaque took a deep breath in and nodded. "Fine Sun Wukong. But I'm not doing this because of your shitty hero speech!"

"Didn't expect you too" Wukong helped Macaque up and back to the ground. "What are we going to do? She's surrounded by flames!" Macaque shouted. "What we always do! Go for it!" Wukong shouted as he ran off. Macaque shouted after him but soon could only follow. Macaque used his shadow portals to get the team away from the blast radius, Wukong on the other hand tried to get to Mei. Wukong has done alot and as heard all the angry speeches meant for him, or so he thought. That was before Mei started her own speech, that shocked to golden monkey.

"Kid please!-" Wukong began as he tried to apologize soon Mk stood beside him, it was obvious what he was gonna do. Wukong grabbed onto Mk's arm, trying to stop him "Mk no! It's too dangerous! Let me handle this!" Wukong told him but Mk stayed his ground and pulled away from his dad

"Mei is my bestfriend! I can't just leave her like this! I have to help!" And like that Mk ran into the flames to save his bestfriend. Wukong reached out for him but it was too late. Macaque watched from afar and just..... stood there? He thought he'd be gone by now, going to tell lady bone demon that there was a 'complication' but no. There he was, standing in the background in.... shock maybe? He wasn't sure, he couldn't stand there and wait for this end. He had to leave and he had to do it now!

Wukong heard a portal open and looked behind him to see Macaque leaving. "MACAQUE WAIT!-" The monkey King called out, and luckily he shouted just in time. Macaque looked over at him with a confused look, what did he want now?


Word Count: 690

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