Stay Awhile

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What did he want now? Macaque thought as he looked over at the great sage. Macaque just wanted this all to be over especially after what Wukong did but he couldn't help but look over and listen to the orange buffoon.

"I-I um... well maybe.... uh.... only of you want-"
Wukong was trying so hard to tell Macaque to stay. So, incredibly hard. But his words only meshed together creating word soup

"Well go on! Spit it out!"
Macaque shouted as he now was looking over at Wukong arms crossed and all.

Wukong stood there for a moment and soon held out his hand, Wukong didn't know what the fuck he was doing but he would at least try
"Cone with me. Please. We need all band together and fix this!"
Wukong pleaded

"Fix what exactly?"
Macaque wanted to hear Wukong say it

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact Mei ran away! Maybe LBD's murderous soul! Maybe us!- Maybe-"
Pause. What did Wukong just say? 'Maybe us'. There's no way he just said that right? RIGHT?! Oh but he did...... and he said it with passion, hurt, anger so many emotions the list would be longer then his crimes.

Macaque caught on

Wukong asked saying mere SECONDS after Macaque spoke

............ Huh. That was easier then expected......

Wukong asked, he definitely didn't believe it

"We start with LBD and the dragon girl though"
Macaque spoke quickly

"Ok...... got it....."
Wukong nodded and took Macaque's hand which startled the black haired monkey he tried to pull away but Wukong wouldn't let him go. Not him. Not again.


The group stood at the ship walking back and forth trying to figure out what to do next. Mk ofcourse couldn't really decide since on one hand it's either save the world from Ms. Elsa ripoff OR Save his BFF from fire that could destroy the world that his boyfriend created. WHAT DO YOU EVEN DO IN THAT SITUATION?! Wukong had the awnser, tackle them both at the same time

Pigisy began

"But how?!"
MK asked

"We ofcourse won't attack LBD before we have all of us but if we're able to keep an eye on her as he tried to find and help Mei we'd definitely have the upper hand. We'd know her plans and have the very thing that can help us win! So what do you say?"
Wukong explained clearly proud of his plan

"That's great and all but who could spy on LBD? She hates all of us and would definitely figure us out!"
Pigsy fought back

"I could"
Macaque spoke as he lifted his head and looked at everyone

Wukong asked

"LBD wanted me to hunt you all down and get the Samdi fire for her. She'll trust me. I may not be able to get everything about her plan but I could help. And if I get close enough the Mayor I could bring him here and we could use him for info"
Macaque spoke as if what he was saying was fact and that everyone should agree and allow him to go. Everyone except for Wukong

Wukong yelled
"We'll pick someone else!"

"Like who?!"
Macaque fought back

"Like me! I can shape shift and spy on her and get all the information we need! I'll be in and out in no time!"

"And if you get caught?! What then?! What do then oh Great Sage?! She trusts me! I can get far more closer then you ever could! Why won't you let me?!"

Wukong shouted at the top of his lungs, his fangs were shone as he yelled in anger and took a few deep breaths
"I'm going. And that's that."
Wukong spoke calmly as he soon walked off and past Macaque going to his room

Macaque was left to stand in silence as he took it all in. That stupid Sage clearly didn't understand what he was getting into and Macaque had to convince Wukong otherwise but the question was how. That would take a while but Macaque still chose to follow after Wukong deciding to figure it out along the way
He yelled but got no response


Word Count: 713

I am so so so sorry it's been so long since Chapter one and I promise I won't do that again. I am her to give you all the long awaited chapter two. And ps. Yes me going "Not him. Not again" over and over is on purpose I have plan guys just stick with me! Please!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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