The life as a Decadent

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This is a story for all the outcasts. If you have ever been labelled as an outcast by anyone in your life then this is a safe space for you. If you have never been an outcast then stick around anyway and follow my story - maybe you can understand through my eyes how it feels to be ousted as well as to finally find a place you belong.

"Horrible wretch!"
Those are just some of the insults thrown my way as I walk through the market place of my town. This is nothing new, all Decadents are treated this way. Everywhere you look, people are preaching about 'Those half-dead abominations"
I sighed softly and tugged my bag over my shoulder, holding it tightly. I walked around another corner and entered the Dark Malvorro or as the locals of Beeliede call it The Dark district. The district looks exactly like it always does with run down shops, boarded up buildings and a lot of litter on the ground.

I stared down at myself and sighed softly. As I walked down the street, trying to avoid stepping on the broken glass lest I cut my feet open. I don't have access to proper clothing or shoes. They're all tattered and ripped. I stopped outside my parents shop, one of the only few not completely shut down, and opened the door.
"Ah Hunter. You got our stock?"
The man behind the counter, my father, is a man of admittedly small stature with a kind smile.
"Yes Pa. I got the stuff. I believe you asked for... Eggs, Apples, Grapes, Bread and milk"
I said, placing them down as I said each item.
"The locals seem extra hostile lately Pa. They were calling me so many names which isn't unusual however..."
I looked down and breathed in sharply, trying my best not to let tears out. Sure, I was used to it but I'm only fourteen, why does everyone hate us?
"Pa... Why do all the locals hate us?"

He sighed softly and sat down, patting the chair beside him.
"Have a seat Hunter"
I nodded and sat down next to him, wiping my eyes.
"I was planning to tell you when you were older but... I think you need to know. Decadents were created a couple of years ago by a man named Victor Harlowe, a very dark man who made his own source of energy by combining white magic, which as you know is spirit, and Black magic, which is necromancy, the spells of death, which made beings of half life and half death, the decadents. This new force, Carnal, along with White and Black coded magic got outlawed in every country of Ziraedon. Victor got arrested for his crimes and the decadents were hunted. This changed when Mira Trowell became Mayor of Maridion and banned the hunting and murders of Decadents as well as bringing back the black and white codes of magic with extra precautions taken of course. So you see Hunt... Decadents are hated by people who don't want to understand us - we are labelled as Half-lives but we still have a beating heart and a soul. Try not to let what the locals say get you down all right. Now why don't you go wash up a little and get some sleep"
Pa ruffled my hair and stood up, walking behind the counter again.

I decided to take his advice and head upstairs. I removed my tattered shirt and placed it to one side.
I laid down on my bed which is actually rather comfortable and fell into a nice sleep, dreaming about a day when the decadents are finally accepted.

The next day, it was more of the same really. I woke up, did my daily morning routine and combed my fringe out of my eyes. I got dressed and grabbed my bag. My day to day activities are usually to help Pa out. I gather supplies for him, I clean for him. This day changed everything. My life shattered that very night. Once I got the shopping for that day, I returned to the shop using the same route I took that day. As I got closer though I could see an orange glint, a glow, a fire! I dropped what I was holding and rushed forward - I could feel my heart beating in my chest, thumping in my ears.
"Pa! Pa! Pa!"
I screamed as I got closer to the building.

I panted, tears streaming freely down my cheeks. I was determined to save my Pa, I will. I rushed straight into the burning building and looked around. I could not see how the fire started, all I could see is the beams falling down around me.
I screamed again, hoping he could hear me. All I could hear were the flames crackling around me. I strained my hearing ability to try and pin point where about he could be then I heard a faint cough in the backroom where Pa slept.
Upon busting through the door, I saw my pa trapped underneath a beam.
I ran forward and knelt down, coughing as the smoke was now making it hard to breathe, and tried my hardest to lift up the beam.
"Hunter... Stop"
I looked at my pa as he spoke to me.
"Listen to me. You need to run. Please. You're my pride. My joy. You're so much like your mother, so strong and brave. Run to Maridion. You'll be safe there"
I shook my head unable to speak as the sobs broke through. It was a few seconds until I managed to speak up.
"But pa... I don't know the way... I'm scared"
"That's okay Hunter... But I know you'll be okay..."
I stared at him and grabbed his hands. "Pa?" I whispered and tried to shake him up however he didn't respond. I stood up and looked around. I breathed heavily and ran out of the blaze, unsure of what else to do. Everything I once knew, everything has changed now. I know what I need to do obviously. I walked down the street and knelt down to pull out a bag which was hidden in a gutter.
"Alright Hunter. Maridion is 40 miles to the west. If I leave now then I should get there just as night falls"
Now with that plan in my head, I ran to the west gate, leaving my home, and life behind.

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