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Troy surged forward, choking for air. He doubled over violently, coughing up salty water. Crust, salt, and warm blood blinded him as he blinked against the harsh light crashing down on him. His nose and chest burned, screaming to get the water out of his lungs. The smell of oil and smoke suffocated him, burning his throat and eyes as he struggled to breath. His ears rang loudly, sending bolts of pain through his head as he coughed onto the ground.
He raised his head, eyes watering, and saw a small mother huddled on a log at the edge of the jungle tree line. Sounds of anguish filled Troy's ears as the mother sobbed, holding a limp child in her arms. The burned body hung off her arms and the small legs were covered in blood and grain, bent at a grotesque angle. The mother laid a trembling hand over the boy's hair, slicked with blood, whispering and crying out in Spanish. Looking closer, he felt bile in his throat as the child looked the same age as Aaron. Troy swiveled his head around wildly, dragging his fingers through the burning sand that surrounded him.

7:00am - 10 HOURS BEFORE

A small ray of light peeked through a small room, glowing onto a sleeping Troy Holman. A groan escaped him as he shifted in his bed, pulling his sheets over his face. The darkness however, was not enough to stop the alarm clock across the room. He groaned even more at the beeping, but eventually forced himself out of bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked over at his book bag. He smiled sleepily since he didn't have to bring it to school today.
It is the last day of Troy's junior year, but the first day of the annual Holman family, beach trip. Every year, since middle school, his family hosts a trip for him and his friends Eris and Ryan. They travel from their town, right outside of Denver, to the beautiful beach house they own in Venice Beach. This year is extra special given that this is the last year that they are going on this trip. Next year, there will be graduation parties to attend and college to be focused on, eliminating the option of going.
He slammed his beeping alarm off before he stumbled himself to the bathroom to fix his honey blonde hair to the style he chose for this year. He mixes up hairstyles as the trends change with the years and this year he chose simplicity, just spiking it up in the front. He looked at his reflection and green eyes stared back at him, sizing up the six foot frame in his tan complexion.
He went downstairs and was greeted by the sight of his mom who was cooking over the stove. He stood next to her petite form and a gentle smile played on her lips as her son loomed over her shoulder, smelling the omelets she was perfecting. Her honey blond hair, much like Troy's, was held loosely in a bun and pieces of it fell in tiny stems around her face, making her appear more youthful than her mid-thirties revealed.
"Good morning," she said happily. He groaned slightly, still attempting to wake up. "You ready for school?" she asked, looking up at him expectantly. Her blue eyes sparkled as she knew his next answer.
Their morning conversations always seemed so rehearsed, "Yeah, I should be, considering all I need is a pencil; just like yesterday, and the day before that." Troy grinned even bigger as his mom turned away shaking her head, smiling at his antics.
"You look so cute for the last day of school," she said, nodding her head at his blue and black plaid shirt with his sleeves rolled up and his khaki, knee length shorts.
"Mom," he replied, in a mock serious tone.
She chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. They laughed for a moment as she finished cooking as Troy reached above her and grabbed the plates out of the cabinet, handing one to her.
"Double it, please," he said, maneuvering the eggs onto the plate.
"Troy! You could at least finish the first round of food before asking for more," his mom exclaimed, but still added a second portion to his plate. He grinned down at her as he made his way to the counter across the stove. As he wolfed down his food, his mom began talking about the plans for the day.
Troy basked in the serenity of this moment. Troy's parents had him at a young age, but stayed together and in love, even until now. She is always there for him, especially when he needs it the most. Her healing hugs are always available and she can laugh with him even when he's not the slightest bit funny. That's what he loved the most about her.
As Troy gulped down the last bit of his breakfast, his phone buzzed with a text from Ryan, saying he was on his way to pick him up. Ever since they both got cars, they have been carpooling to and from school every day.
"Hey, mom can you give me-" Troy stopped his request for a third helping as loud stomps made their way toward the kitchen. Troy's brother, Aaron, stumbled down the stairs. Their mother giggled and grabbed Troy's plate.
"Good morning," he yawned. Nine year old Aaron isn't the best morning person. His shirt sat wrinkled on his small shoulders and his laces fell untied as he climbed into a seat next to Troy.
As their mother handed him the plate she smiled as she noticed Aaron's attempt to mimic Troy's hair style, the only thing well-kept about him. Aaron will realize he can be his own individual and set his own course. She loves how he looks up to his brother, as do a lot of younger siblings in the world. Some may hate to admit it, but it's the truth.
"Good morning kiddo," Troy said, grinning at him as his mom placed the plate back in front of Troy. In gusto, Troy went back to eating, his fork and knife scraping against the glass in a rush. Aaron flinched at the sound and asked for a plate of food as well. Troy's phone buzzed again and his eyes grew pig at the sight, almost choking on his food.
He handed his mom his plate saying, "Ryan is waiting outside. I'll see you after school!" Troy yelled, rushing out the door. "My stuff is already packed and in front of the fireplace! Bye Aaron!"
"Alright!" She called out. "Thank you! Have a good day and good luck on your test!"

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