Im Scarllete im 17 years old. When I was 14 i was the neighbor of jeff the killer in the underworld where the creepypastas live.My dad is Zolgo and my mom was Everist but she turned good and went to the over world but i never seen her again.Me and Jeff are besties.Jeff was abused terribly i was his only friend.His dad abused him and was an alcoholic the reason why Jeff is pale is because his dad pushed him in a closet, knocked clorine on him and set the house on fire.Thats why he lives with me in the castle so does his brother Lui. There is a certain way to get to the middle relm aka earth to kill people who dont appericiate the world.One way is the well which is verry fucking hard to find the other way is demention swiching some people on earth have connections but i do i was orriginally born on earth but Zolgo took me to th uw aka underworld slender is my tutor and Jeffs.