Everyone was in the ballroom. As scarlett was walking torward jeff he was stairring at her. She said ready. The preist had finnaly got to the part of scarlett do you take jeff to be your husband i do she replied. Then the preist said jeff do you take scarlett to be your wife i do he replied. You may kiss the bride the preist said. They stole a kiss and tilted scarlett over then sweaped her up by her feet and took her to the limo and stole another kiss as they were getting to there room. They ran into the room and slammed the door shut and put a sign out that says do not desturb. The next morning they woke up naked. They looked at each other for a minute then jeff said i love you. Im glad im married to you. Scarlett looked at him and said me too. They got up and put their cloths on and packed their cloths and rode to the cruise ship. They got on and went to their suite room