Steel the show

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The gang is walking along and they see a big building

Max: hey I guess that's rustburo hall
Ash: which means we must already be in rustburo city
Sora: so it's time to get ready for our first badge
Rua Rua
Ash: oh yeah
Pika chu
Max: but we are still a full days walk from the gym
They both do an anime fall

They keep walking
They see a ton of trainers doing stuff with their Pokémon
Ash: they don't look like their training for a battle
Sora: no it looks more like their showing off
Max: check it out
Brock: hey
Max: I bet their all preparing for that Pokémon contest
May: a Pokémon contest

Suddenly a big bug Pokémon flies into mays face
Sora: ok this is happening now

May: get off me
The bug Pokemon gets off after may pushes it

Ash: wonder what it is
Sora: hmm

The butterfly Pokémon beautifly have long thin noses that they use to suck pollen out of flowers

Sora: (I thought it would've been darker)

It lands on may again
May: get off
Ash: looks like you've got a new friend
May: it's not funny
Sora: well I disagree
?: I'm so sorry
?: are you ok

A girl and a boy run up to them an brock flirts with the girl

Sora is just really confused

While brock is flirting the beautifly lands on brocks head

Girl: uhh beautifly stop that

Max: so I was wondering where you training your beautifly for that Pokémon contest

Girl: well as a matter of fact yes but unfortunately some of the attacks went a little bit wrong
Boy: that's probably my fault venamoths whirlwind got far to strong it just leads to failure

Girl: my name is Janet by the way
Boy: I'm chazz how are you
Ash: fine I'm ash
May: and I'm may
Max: I'm max
Sora: sup the names Sora
Brock: and I'm brock your future boyfriend
Ash: about what you said chazz how can a powerful attack be a failure
Max: the problem is that ash doesn't understand the Pokémon contest
Ash: thanks max

They go through what a Pokémon contest is and you guys already know

They go through the ribbons

May: that's so cool I'm gonna win one too
Max: I think you'll need to be good with Pokémon to win
May: I'm a natural with Pokémon
Brock: me too
Ash: let's all enter
Sora: ehh I don't know
Ash: come on with Kuro it could be a hit being able to change its appearance
Janet: really can you show us

Sora: I guess so
Kuro illusion now

Kuro jumps and gets enveloped in a pink light and then reappears looking like pikachu

Janet: that's amazing so it can transform

Sora: not exactly it can mimic the appearance but that's as far as it goes for example
Kuro use dark pulse

Kuro uses dark pulse still looking like pikachu

Chazz: amazing if you can make it seem like a Pokémon is using a move it can't normal use it would really wow the judges

Janet: I know entry is limited but do you think it's closed
Chazz: nah they should be fine but you they better hurry

Sora: wait-

Turns out they can't enter but they can watch

Sora: ahh I don't mind

They eventually get to may being the assistant
Max compliments beautifly
It starts to fly around max
Max: do you think it's mad at me
James; no it's just thanking you for the compliment and I should really be saying thank you too
Max: why
May: yeah what did he do
Janet: it's so nice to hear someone praise the Pokemon that I train
Ash: yeah I know what you mean
Sora: it really does feel good
Brock: it sure does
Chazz: it makes you feel proud of all the hard work and energy you put into training
May: oh I guess I can see that, hey are you heading over to rustburo city for a gym battle
Ash: yeah that our next stop
Sora: yup and we're gonna win
May: I'm gonna battle too
Ash: me and pikachu are good to go
Sora: so are me and Kuro
Chazz: your planning on battling with pikachu
Janet: that might be difficult and Kuro doesn't look up too it either considering it's a dark type
Ash: pikachu's the best I got
Chazz: but ash the rustburo gym is a Rock Pokemon gym
Ash: a rock gym
Sora: this could be a problem I've got Ren but I can't rely on him to win especially not being as experienced as Kuro
Brock: that would sure be a problem for an electric type
Chazz: hey ash and Sora do your Pokémon know any attacks that would worm in a broke
Sora: everything I have is just neutral
Ash: as for me not really
Chazz: well if I told you both there was a way to learn the attack would you be interested
Sora: hell yeah
Ash: Definitely
Chazz: well you guys up for a crash course

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