Chapter - 7.

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" Lady Amphitrite " I acknowledged the queen of Atlantis standing before me

" Perseus , what brings you here ?"

" um , I'm sorry Lady Amphitrite , for disturbing , I must've accidentally flashed here " I replied with nervousness evident , " I'll take your leave then " I turned around and began walking away , when she called out" Percy , wait" , wait a minute , she called me Percy , not Perseus , how? , what ?

" yes Ma'am" I said , turning back around , facing her

" Percy , I need to apologize , I have been very rude to you " WHAT IN HADES IS HAPPENING ?

" its alright Ma'am , you had your reasons "

" no , Percy , it wasn't your fault , you were just a kid , I shouldn't have acted the way I did , now that I found out about you childhood ," she paused " I'm so sorry Percy" did she find out about Gabe ? , if she did , then how ? also , why was there genuine concern in her voice , why did I just want to go hug her , nothing makes sense

so , I did the only thing no sensible person would do , I hugged the queen of Atlantis , and surprisingly , she didn't push me away , instead , she returned the gesture .

"um , I'm sorry , I shouldn't have done that " I said , quickly pulling away , realizing what just happened

" its okay Percy , wait a minute, are you crying ?!" the last part was spoken in a dangerous voice , a very dangerous , motherly voice , she pulled me into another hug and flashed us to a room

it was almost as big as the Poseidon cabin at camp and was decorated with seashells , corals , underwater stuff .she sat me down on a queen sized bed in the room and sat down beside me , gently moving her hand through my messy hair , comforting me after an hour of peaceful silence , she spoke

"Percy , who hurt you ?" she said in the same motherly voice

"Apollo "

" tell me what happened "

I explained everything to her , somehow being near her mad me feel home , like I belonged , now instead of calling her Lady Amphitrite , I'd call her mom

" I see " se said , after I finished explaining

" Percy , answer me truthfully , do you like Apollo , in that way ?"her expression clearly said 'don't lie to me , I know'

" I did "

" do you still ?"

"NO! not after what happened "

" Percy , I may not be your birth mother , but you can consider me as your mother , I know something else troubles you , what is it ?"

" the nymph , it wasn't her fault , but she suffered the consequence , she was cursed ' I said , sobbing " she didn't deserve it " it was almost like a whisper , but mom understood what I meant

" Percy , its not your fault "

"it is "

" PERCY , STOP BLAMING YOURSELF " I looked at her , she seemed angry , yet there was a sympathetic look in her eyes

" mom ?"

" yes Percy " she said , her face returned to the kind , motherly expression , as if the word mom snapped her out of her anger .

" is there a way to undo a curse "

" Percy , yes , there is a way , but its not that easy , you can't just take back a curse like this one , it requires a lot of power , you can't do it "

" but I can at least try , I don't want that nymph to suffer all eternity for something that wasn't even her fault "

"I know Percy , but I will not let you do it alone, I will help you "

" what ?"

"I know a bit of magic myself " she said , almost smirking

I was delighted , I wouldn't heave been able to live with the fact that I cursed that nymph for something she didn't do , finally , the curse could be undone

" C'mon we've got a curse to undo " she got up and offered her hand , which I gladly took

she flashed us to Olympus , somewhere in the forests before us was the most hideous creature , a nymph , covered in thorns , even her face , her hair , so hideous and one could tell that the thorns hurt more on the inside that the outside , judging by the expression of pure agony on her face .

she flinched when she noticed me , she was about to speak , when Amphitrite cut her off

" nymph , do not be scared , we've come to undo the curse put on you "

" I'm sorry , Lord Perseus , for disrespecting you " she said , sobbing , wait a minute , disrespecting me , how ?, oh she was laughing , huh that must be it , thank the gods , no one knows the real reason , whew

" I forgive you "

Amphitrite took my hands in hers and began chanting , I didn't even realize I was chanting with her too , as the Nymph began glowing and the thorns disappeared and she went back to he old form , curse free .
to say I was relived , was an understatement , It was like a burden had been take away .

I made my wings reappear and took off , with mom still holding my hands , we flew over Olympus , giggling and finally landed on the roof of the main temple which had the throne room . we sat there , in silence looking at the stars , mom seemed to like stargazing . she looked at me and I said " Thankyou mom "

" anytime dear "

moments before sunrise , I made my winds disappear and we flashed back to Atlantis .

we went into the throne room , to find a very worried Poseidon who upon noticing us had a confused look on his face .

" hey dad !" I said , going up to him and hugging him ,and all he could say was

" wha-at? "

" ah , well Percy and I have , well bonded , now we're mother and son " Amphitrite said , with a grin on her face as she patted me on the shoulder and sat on the throne

dad stared at me and I only nodded , to which he replied with another nod and sat on his throne .

" Percy , why don't you go , get some sleep , judging by the bags under your eyes , you really haven't got any " mom said and I nodded, flashed to my cabin in camp and lay down on my bed , I drifted into a sleep only to be tormented by nightmares

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