1st Day, 1st glimpse of Trouble

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I was neatly tiding up all my books so that I have everything ready for class, and when we have to swap classes, it would be easier, when I heard my name being called, no shouted, from across the hall. I turned to see Jordan one of my best friends strutting down the hall way, turning heads and gaining boyish greetings from boys while getting shy smiles for girls. Jordan is a footballer, he was actually supposed to be the captain of the team, but he denied the offer because of our 'duties'. That's something you'll all find out about soon. I decided to go back to neatening up my locker when I saw Joran talking to some girls who were giggling away as if he'd said the most funniest thing to have been heard on the whole planet.

I continued to tidy up until I felt Jordan's gaze on me, that's when I stopped and turned to him yet again. He was smiling down at me, he was slightly taller, slightly, and if I wanted I could be the same hight as him, but I detested wearing heels. I smiled back at him before giving a friendly hello.

"Hello to you to." he answered polietly. Then I felt a little shock of pain on my left hand, more specifically my knuckles. I looked down to see them scraping a locker hinge. I wined at the pain and straight away pulled my wrist away. "What's wrong?" Jordan asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Nothing, just a souvenir from out last outing." I replied with a shrug. "It literally kills, it's gone all red to." I wined while stuffing my fist closer to Jordan's face, which caused him to back away slightly.

"Hiyaa!" A voice shouted from behind making us both jump a little. We turned around to see a beaming Amy, my other best friend staring at us with hopeful eyes. "It's the first day of our last year." she screeched while waving her hands about which made me and Jordan grin. Amy, Jordan and I have been best friends since we were five, when I was playing football with the boys and got the ball off Jordan, he instantly started talking to me, and then we met Amy making plasticine sculputres. When we went over, shed just started and Jordan and I asked if she needed help, and she told us to wait. We waited for half an hour when she said she was done, we just stared at her, not because she'd told us to wait so we could help, but never asked for help. But because, she made a sculpture of the Eiffel Tower and it looked as if an artist had taken months to sculpt it. Since then, we'd all been friends.

"What's up?!?" another voice yelled pulling us all into a group hug from behind. That could only be one person...

"Logan!" we all shouted in unison.

"You're going to kill my wrist, let go!"
I yelled.

"Oh, sorry forgot about that." he said looking a little guilty making me smile. Logan was a later addition to our group, when he'd moved here from America back when we were eight. He was telling a crowd about how annoying England was and how much more awesome America was. This pissed off Amy and she barged through the crowd and slapped the winging out of Logan voice, even to this day, he's scared of comparing things, that's why in an English essay, he got a low level, because he didn't compare the two texts. Amy told him to stop bragging on and on, because if he wanted to brag and compare he should be saying that England is better, because he is standing on English land. After that Logan was adopted into our group, course we had to make Amy and Logan friends which wasn't that hard because they both love food, actually we all do. We told them that if they became friends we'd give them some sweets an they immediately agreed. Although, we still owe them the sweets.




The bell for our first class rang signalling the first lesson for our last year.

"English." they all said in unison happy that they have the same subject and then they turned to me. I realised that I didn't have my timetable and forgot to collect it and if I'd have the same class, I'd meet them there. They nodded after asking if they could help, I said no and ran off down the corridor. I took a sharp turn and then carried on speeding down. I took another sharp turn and banged into a wall.

Due to the speed I was travelling at, I bounced back and was about to hit the floor, when I curled my left hand up and pressed it against the floor. Ouch!Now all my weight was on my left hand knuckles which were already sore. Great. I looked at my right hand and wondered why it was so selfish letting my left hand do all the work, but soon realised that the wall wasn't a wall and it had caught my right hand. At this moment, he jerked me up and into his strong grip. My hands were resting on his chest, my left knuckle throbbing due to the pain, I looked up at the wall, I mean person and saw Aiden Sharp staring at me. He was the same height as Jordan, so I was only slightly shorter. He had hazel eyes which held an ocean of dark brown steaks in them. Mezmerising. Not. He smiled his signature smirk at me making my pull out of his firm grip, I hated this guy, I mean I never really talked to him, but you know, he's Mr Popular and all, probably the really cocky type. He started at me as if he'd just seen me with no attire. I raised my eyebrow at him and he spoke.

"Wow, you just pulled out of my hands like it was nothing." I rolled my eyes at this and answered.

"Wow, you actually notice things other than girls who drool all over you."

"Urrr, firstly, I don't date which means I don't really notice girls and secondly I'm single so no need to act uninterested." he said smirking at me.

"What the- just shut your big fat gob, I ain't interested in you, so you can go and scurry off to where ever you're supposed to be. Adios." I said pushing past him, when I remembered something and turned around to see him dumbfound. "Oh and I don't wanna sound ungrateful, so thanks for helping me not fall although,- you know what never mind. Thanks anyways." I turned back around continuing my journey to the office, but this time more slowly. Every time I would come to a corner, I would lean my head over the side to check if anyone's there and I'm so glad there wasn't anyone because if someone'd seen me popping my head out as if I was waiting for a train, they would've got the laughter they needed for the day. This thought made me smile and once I'd reached the office, I collected my schedule and made my way to...

I walked into the classroom to see them all there, that's right, coincidence much, I had English to! First time I'm happy to be in English. I made my way to the back right hand corner which was the furtherest away from the door. The tables were set out in L shapes, like we were in primary school. I remember this teacher from my first year here, she treats us like children and she even hands out lollipops and sweets, I think I'm going to enjoy English this year. I made my way to the table and saw that Logan was on the edge of the table on the left, Amy next to him, Jordan next with a whole desk to him self and me opposite Amy and Logan with a whole desk to myself. Wohoo!

The lesson hadn't started yet and the teacher didn't even notice me enter because she was busy talking to some kids on the other side if the room. I sat down and smile in satisfaction of having not to share a desk. I lay my head on the table and felt the chair next to me being dragged back and in again. I shot my head up to see Aiden next to me giving Jordan and Logan some boyish greetings before turning to Amy and saying 'Hi' to her. Then he turned to me and smirked his dignities smirk, I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"Hey," Logan practically jumped off his seat, "looks like we're going to the underground fighty thingy after school." he said giving us the look which meant we had no choice.

"Urghh, from all places, they had to do it there!" Amy groaned getting a questioning look from Aiden.

"Urmm, we've been invited to a match, we'd ask if you-"

"Nah, I'm fine." Aiden said leaning back in his seat not letting Logan finish. Logan shrugged his shoulders happy he didn't have to explain.

Great, 1st day back and already a glimpse of trouble.

Hiyaa, hope you enjoyed the first chapter, the next will be up soon. Remember to vote, comment and tell your friends about this.

Also check out my other book 'Our Pranks', it's not this detailed, but it's defiantly more humourous.


-Blue Hair Girl-

BTW- next chapter will be more interesting, I just wanted to get all the character details out there.
Plus, the proper cover will be out soon.

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