Another Weak Girl

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After returning home and into the secret cellar, we were being lectured for our carelessness and I was being glared at every time it came to the part where I endangered someone else's life.

"But look t it this way, we caught one of the largest leaders of drug supplies in the U.K, wait does that make sense." Jordan argued.

"Yes sir, it isn't our fault that dumb ass idiot followed us." I added glaring at Aiden who was carelessly leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"There right, it's not their fault." Aiden finally spoke. All the adults gave each other a look and went to huddle in the corner for a talk. By the adults I mean all our parents and Luke who just tagged along.

"We better not be suspended or somma, these missions may take up our time, but they're fun." Amy stated looking a bit depressed. I went over to her and slung my arm over her shoulder.

"Don't worry Ames, we'll figure something out, there's no way all my gadgets are going to be taken away because of some stuck up idiot fighter who thinks he's it." I comforted her.

"I haven't left the room yet."

"I know." I growled.

That's when Jordan's dad cleared his throat to et out attention.

"We've come to a desision, not only did Aiden do something utterly stupid, but he managed to come back alive, help get rid of unwanted guests and managed to follow you without you noticing." my dad declared.

"Why thank you Mr Matthews." Aiden said taking a bow.

"So we've decided to join Aiden into you're team, obviously he'll need training an-"

"Wait what!?!" I interrupted my mother.

"Yeah, we can't just have him in the team, it's taken us ages to figure out our roles and everything." Logan spoke up. This caused us all to nod in unison.

After that, we kind of started an argument we knew we could never win. In the end, the parents agreed that we could have some time off to think about this and until then, they'll sort out Aiden's cover and what not. After the adults left us, it was kind of silent until Logan broke it.

"So what are we planning to do?"

"We could go watch a game." Jordan suggested, and although I didn't mind, I was not in the mood. Amy disagreed and looked at me for back up.

"Yeah, I'm just not in the mood."

"Then what?" Jordan questioned. We all thought for a while.

"Huh! We could just pig out on junk food, watch movies and play video games." I offered. Jordan and Logan nodded and started to get excited when Amy stopped them.

"Or... we could go to Gale's party.". Gale was known for throwing the best parties and although she was a girl all the boys would agree that she's the party queen. Personally I've never been to her parties because...

"What No! No way, you guys can go, but you ain't dragging me. You guys know how much I hat-"

"Hate parties, yeah we know." they chanted in unison.

"You nee to grow up," Amy said.

"Become the teenager that's been inside you." Logan added.

"Y-" Jordan was about to continue the prep talk when Aiden let out a small laugh and we all turned to face him.

"Wait so little miss feisty doesn't do parties. Huh! I'll have to call you Angel or something."

"Ha Ha, very funny." I said bored.

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