Another day

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It's now Monday, a whole week after the first day of school and school life has settled down...Mostly.

After that day with Aiden, him and I have been getting along better, however, I still would enjoy ripping his head off. He's just so jerky and annoying!

We haven't been given any missions either, just occasional training, but it's not as intense as usual. My parents say that they'd rather give us some time to 'bond' and get used to the new addition into our group who is still on a trial period. And I can't wait until he gets half his memory wiped when he isn't the best fit!

That's what I'm looking forward to about this whole Aiden + Fantastic Four thing.

"Hey Heat!" a loud voice boomed from behind me.

"Thing!" I said not caring about the scowl Logan was giving the both of us. Then suddenly I heard Amy laugh as she rolled her eyes at Logan.

"Calm down F." she said shoving his shoulder with hers.

"Yeah, yeah, but when everyone puts the puzzle pieces together, don't go coming to me for help." Logan warned referring to out secret lives as teenage spies.

"Superman!" Amy squealed running up to Aiden and swinging her arms around his torso.

I felt my stomach twist a little due to some unknown reason, but I ignored it.

"Hey to you to Vis." Aiden said chuckling.

Aiden had become kind of an older brother like figure to Amy just like Jordan and Logan because of her innocence and her being the youngest out of us five.

Amy and I were always treated like kids, especially Amy. Logan and Jordan would usually act over protective over us. I just hope Aiden doesn't start doing that. Because them I'd kind of feel bad for hating him.

"Aiden." Jordan and Logan said in sync as they exchanged a boyish handshake with each other. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"What's wrong Angel? Feeling left out?" Aiden teased.

"Yeah, cus I'd so want you to hug me or do a stupid hand shake with me." I said sarcastically. However, Aiden ignored my sarcastic tone.

"I knew it." he said walking towards me. My eyes grew a little wide and I started to back away, but my back just hit the lockers.

"No. Aiden. Stay. Away. From. Me." I warned.

However, Aiden clearly didn't get the memo and neither did the others because they were laughing, yes, laughing. What happened to being protective?

"Awww, I know you really want me." Aiden teased.

"Ewww! Aiden, take one more step and you've had it." I warned again.

He stopped for minute as if thinking over his choices, but then shook his head and took the last step closing the distance between us and squeezing me in a tight hug.

I froze.

Suddenly tensing up as a felt something deep inside my stomach.

The others just laughed.

How I loved them so much.

I was never someone to hug in the first place. So I decided to carry out my threat. The 'you've had it' part.

I pulled my hands up from my sides and placed them on his sides.

He visibly tensed and froze not expecting that reaction from me. Then I took the opportunity and my hands went up and down his body tickling him and he started to laugh, backing away from me wiggling around. He held his hand in front of him motioning for me to stop. To have mercy. Yeah right, I warned him.

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