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Goku dodged the shining attack that went flying towards him. The maid walked out slowly from the shade, the wind blowing her scarf to the side.

"Sakuya! We were just about to have fun!" Flandre yelled. Sakuya turned to Goku.

"I'll warn you now. Leave or risk your own destruction." Sakuya told Goku.

"Hey throwing that at me wasn't very nice!" Goku yelled. Sakuya sighed, pulling out three knives on each hand, her eyes piercing through Goku's soul with a crimson glow.

"You may be a child, but I am not hesitant to remove you." Sakuya warned him. "Flandre the mistress demands you return."

"No! I dont want too!" Flandre yelled.

"Very well." Sakuya said, getting into a dashing position. "Prepare yourselves then. Apologies."

Sakuya disappeared as multiple knives appeared out of nowhere flying towards Goku and Flandre. Flandre blocked them all, while Goku jumped up. He heard a rustling in the tree's and looked up as Sakuya did a drop-kick on Goku into the ground. Goku grabbed her leg however, and using his levitation flung her into the ground. Sakuya landed on her hands and flipped to her feet. She disappeared again as a volley of knives was sent flying towards Goku. He too blocked, the knives penetrating his skin slightly. They fell out as Goku landed to his feet. Flandre appeared behind Sakuya, bringing her fist back. Sakuya disappeared as she swung her fist, making Goku's eyes widen.

"I cant see her move at all..." Goku said to himself out loud. He spinkicked a knife sent flying towards him.

"Sakuya can stop time." Flandre said nonchalantly.

"She what!?" Goku asked. Sakuya reappeared, this time a gray double appearing and attacking Goku alongside it. Goku blocked the two slashes which cut his arms, before Sakuya threw another barrage of knives. Goku dodged them, however they bounced off of seemingly nothing and ricochet back. Goku dodged them as well as they got lodged into the ground. Sakuya did a backflip and hit Goku in the chin. Flandre kicked Sakuya through some tree's.

"Wow you really are strong, no one last this long against Sakuya!" Flandre noted.

"Thanks." Goku said. A shine went through the forest. One-hundred knives were sent flying through the forest. Goku hid his vital spots, while Flandre simply blocked her face. Goku let out a deep breath. Each time a knife hit him, it went a little deeper, they were just strong enough too penetrate his skin and flesh slightly. But each strike was that much more deadly. Not to mention, Goku couldn't keep track of her movements. Sakuya re-appeared behind Goku, a knife ready. Goku eyes widened as he heard her, but due to knives still in his body he couldn't react.

"Sorry." Sakuya said. She swung her knife down, but before it reached she was hit with a red energy ball and sent thought the forest, with the ball making a loud explosion. Flandre floated off the ground, a red menacing aura surrounding her. Goku slowly pulled out the knives from his body, and groaned.

"All done! Can we play now?" Flandre asked.

"I-I cant...my body's in pain. I need to go get patched up." Goku said. Flandre made a pouty face.

"No fair! I beat Sakuya, so I should get the reward!" Flandre said. "And I want to play!"

"Ummm..." Goku thought to himself. "You could come visit my place. We have lots of board games...and I'm going to have trouble anyways."

"Hmmm..." Flandre pondered to herself. "Okay...but it better be fun!"

"It is!" Goku said. "Plus my mom is a great cook! Miss Meiling and my Sister are also really strong!"

"Really? Yay!" Flandre cheered. They then flew off, Goku laying on the nimbus cloud as it flew away. 

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