[3] dinner favor

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Here comes the fluff and angst somewhat. This marks more than halfway through the book. This series will have fewer parts than the original, but each chapter will be lengthier. I will release purely oneshots afterward in a collection until I have more ideas for a whole series.

Some OOC.

∽↭↠☾end of a/n☽↞↫∽




The second the two met, their rivalry began. Everyone else found it amusing that two people could bicker so much over the most trivial things. Inevitably, Luffy wanted the blonde chef on his crew. He admired the cook, who fed whoever was hungry. The swirly-browed chef demonstrated his kindness by preparing a meal for a pirate who was denied service due to his status.

In the meantime, while the straw hat boy needed to work at the floating restaurant from the damage he caused, the mastermind herself was determined to make something work with the teen and his green-haired 'crewmate.'

So she asked for a favor.

"Sanji-kun~," she waved over the blonde chef who swooned over to her. Hearts filled his eyes as he yelled sweet-nothings at the ginger. Sanji's heart-shaped pupils whenever a woman is in his vicinity are a forever unexplained scientific anomaly.

"Yes, mademoiselle, Sanji at your service. What do you need?" he kissed the orange-haired woman's hand. Nami wiped her hand on a towel awkwardly after the chef released her hand.

"I need to ask you for a favor," the ginger fluttered her eyelashes innocently at the lovesick chef.

"Of course, my lady! What is it that you want?" Sanji agreed contentedly. The cigarette in his mouth scorched as the ashes fell on a potted plant. At least, that was what the chef thought was a potted plant before an angry swordsman began fighting with him again. The ginger grew irritated at this occurrence, which seemed to grow more common by the minute.

"CAN YOU TWO KEEP IT QUIET FOR TWO SECONDS?!" Nami's fist struck two heads sturdier than steel as large bumps erupted. Usopp and Luffy laughed endlessly in the background. The boys skedaddled away when the enraged woman turned to give them hell. "GET BACK HERE, YOU BRATS!"

Spectators were entertained yet bewildered at the energetic bunch. When the orange-haired woman reigned supreme atop the nearly lifeless bodies of the four men she so viciously conquered, the noise quieted apart from her heavy panting. She sighed with relief and dragged the blonde to the side.

"Sanji-kun, like I was saying, I needed a favor," she spoke with hands on her hips. The three in the background resumed their shenanigans.

"What is it, Nami-san?" the golden-haired male took another cigarette to his mouth, replacing the one he had dropped from his scuffle. 

"Could you please set up a small little dinner date for those two idiots?" she begged with two hands clapped against one another. Her pupils expanded, giving the blonde chef a look of desperation and anguish that he couldn't say no to. In reality, she hadn't felt either of those emotions. That'd been a twist everybody was expecting except the chef in front of her.

"Alright... which two? Usopp and Luffy? Are they celebrating something? Birthday perhaps?" he looked at her with hands digging into his pockets for warmth. A stream of smoke slowly radiated from the burnt end of the cigarette.

"No, no. Luffy and Zoro," she corrected him.

"That idiot? What would that moss head and Luffy have dinner for?" Sanji looked a bit hesitant at his swift decision. There was no way he would do such a thing for the musclehead, but it was a favor from Nami, and he would consider it.

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