4. When You Get Sick/Hurt

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"Sometimes me think, 'What is friend?' and then me say, 'Friend is someone to share the last cookie with.'"
~ Cookie Monster

You're 5-6 in this.



It was the usual morning for him. Slenderman would always wake up early. And I mean super early. There's something about watching the sun rise from his grand windows in his office and hearing the faint chirping of birds from outside, that just felt so peaceful.

He was also the only one awake out of everyone in the manor, which contributes to the tranquil atmosphere. After some time of reading, Slender's faceless features gazed up at the grandfather clock located at the far right of the room.

What can he say? The faceless man likes his lavish lifestyle.

It was time to wake you up. Putting down his book, he got up and fixed his tie before leaving the quiet office behind. Upon your door, which was basically across the hall from his own, he heard soft whimpers.

You were under your covers with one hand pressed to the side of your face. Intense throbbing pain from the side of your head. You were awake for over an hour, clutching your blanket and, at times, your hair because the pain was becoming unbearable.

"My darling?"

You tried to turn yourself to see your father, but it only made the migraine worse. You winced, tears prickled in the corner of your eyes. You felt too weak to speak a single word. Slenderman sat on the edge of your bed with his slender hands reaching out and felt your temperature.

For a quick moment, the pain subsided. "You seem to have a fever." His brows furrowed at how hot you'd gotten, carefully moving your body onto his lap. "Come here, darling. Let me get a look at you."

You suddenly felt cold without your blanket, cuddling closer to your father's chest. With one arm around your back, his other hand was caressing the side of your face.

As his thumb smoothed over your temple, the pain was fading, fading, fading, then gone. You sighed in relief. "Feeling better, now?" You only nodded, a bit weakly.

There's only so much his unworldly powers can do. For, he did get rid of that troublesome headache, he couldn't banish the fever that fell upon you. He stood up with you in his arms, now heading to the kitchen. "Let's find you some medicine and something easy for your tummy, hm?" You clung onto him for warmth as he rubbed your back soothingly. "I don't feel that hungry, papa."

He sighed. "I know, my darling, but you have to have something. And then, you need to rest." It was your turn to sigh now. "Okay, papa."

A little later, you had already taken children's Advil and a cup of yogurt--since it was the only thing that you can stomach at the moment. Slenderman had put you back to bed, where you had immediately fallen asleep.

He'd kiss your head if he could, but he opted to move your hair away from your face and pull the blanket over your shoulder. He was sure to check in on you from time to time.


Jeff the killer:

"Y/n, what happened?" Your father's stern voice made you avert your gaze. You knew you were in trouble, especially since you had hurt yourself.

It didn't mean that whenever you'd get a paper cut, or a scraped knee you would get scolded. No, no, it was only this time, you'd gotten hurt by playing with something you shouldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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