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♧//Just getting to know him\\♧

Jimin and Sunoo have been spending their lunchtime on the soccer field. Well, they know that they have an hour for lunch, so they divided them into two. The first 30 minutes with their friends in the cafeteria and the last 30 minutes in the soccer field watching them.

At the moment they were there, watching the team practice. Sunoo has been ignoring Niki. "Do we have to come here every day?" Jimin asks him. "Yes, if you don't want to, then you can leave, I don't mind coming here to watch him alone," Sunoo said.

"Sorry, Hyung, you don't have to be so defensive," Jimin said. "Whatever, I like him, so I am just getting to know him," Sunoo said. "Okay, well fill me up with some information that you know," Jimin said. "No way, I never ask you what you know about Jungkook hyung," Sunoo said.

"Okay, fine, at least tell me that you have talked to him ever since that incident," Jimin said. "Well, um, no. But I plan on talking to him today," he said. "Oh, come on, Sunoo. Why are you not going to him now? They are taking a break," Jimin said.

"Come with me, you know I can't go there alone," He said. "Okay, fine, let's go," Jimin said. They both walked down the stairs, passing the sits of the field. "Jimin, let's go back, I don't think I can do it," Sunoo said. "No, we are going," Jimin said, pulling Sunoo with him.

They got to the boys and found them chatting amongst themselves. "Hi hyungs," Jimin greeted. He knew that all of their soccer players were older than them. Well, they could have gotten new players every year, but none of them pass the tryouts.

They are really hoping that in the next tryout, the next year, there will be new boys who will pass the tryouts. They really want some other good players before they leave high school.

"Oh hey guys, we've been seeing you guys here for a couple of days. Why?" One of the players asked. "We are here to watch Sunghoon hyung play," Jimin said. "Oh really?" Sunghoon asked. "Yes," Jimin said, then winked at Sunghoon, nudging Sunoo.

"Oh, I see. Why don't we all sit together? You guys can come here every time, you don't need to sit so far," Sunghoon said. "Okay, hyung," Jimin said. "Why is your friend so quiet?" One of the members asked.

"He is just too shy. Anyway, my name is Jimin, and he is Sunoo," Jimin said. "Nice to meet you, Jimin, and Sunoo," the boys said. "Well? Introduced yourself. We don't know your names," Jimin said. "Oh really, but you know Sunghoon's?" They asked.

"Well, technically, they didn't know my name, I introduced myself to them when I hit him with a ball a few days ago," Sunghoon said. "Oh really? Then we will introduce ourselves, I am Jay," one of them said.

"I am Heeseung,"

"I am Yeonjun,"

"Jungwon here,"

"Beomgyu, but you call me yours cutie,"

"Ugh, Beomgyu, that was cringe, even for you, I am Mingyu,"




"Hi, I am Wonwoo,"


"Minjung," the guys kept on saying their names it was hard for the boys to catch up.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. Sunghoon hyung, there is someone who wants your number. Do you mind giving me your number to give him?" Jimin asked. "No, give me your phone," Sunghoon said.

Jimin took out his phone, and Sunghoon put his phone number there. "Thanks, hyung. I will make sure I give him your number," Jimin said. "I know you will, Jimin," Sunghoon said. "Okay, we need to get to class. The bell is about to ring in 10 minutes, and you guys need to shower and change," Jimin said, closing his nose.

"Go, we know we stink after practicing," Jeonghan said as they all laughed while Jimin walked away, pulling Sunoo with him. "You forced me to come here with you, and yet you don't even say a word. Next time you are going alone," Jimin said.

"Oh, come on, Jimin, I didn't mean to. You know I am just shy around him," Sunoo said. "Shy? You? Ha ha, don't make me laugh," Jimin laughed at what his friend said.

Thinking about how ridiculous the idea of his friend becoming shy all of the sudden. "You do know you sound really ridiculous right now? Sunoo, I have known you for a few months, and I already know that you are not the type to be shy," Jimin said.

"I know, but I am just loss of words whenever I am near him Jimin, what do you think that means?" Sunoo asks. "I mean, you do have a crush on him, but it is a mere crush, Sunoo. We all know you like Niki," Jimin said.

"Used to. Use past tense Jimin, I used to like him, I am so over someone who criticizes me every moment they get. If he is like this when we are just friends, then imagine when we are dating. He would tell me to starve myself, telling me I am fat, telling me I should use makeup. I am ugly. Tell me, Jimin, how do you start a relationship with someone like that?" Sunoo asks.

"Okay, jeez, you don't have to put pressure on it, I get it. If you are really over him, then I suggest you start having a conversation with Sunghoon hyung, I can tell he likes you," Jimin said.

"You think so?" Sunoo asked. "No, I know so. Sunoo hyung, you need to learn how to talk to him, that is why I took his number. But if he hurts you, I will kill him," Jimin said. "That's so cute, Jimin-ah, but you? Kill? I am living for that moment, I really wanna see you mad," Sunoo said.

"Don't provoke me, hyung. I know I am always nice, but when people really get on my nerves, they see another side of me," Jimin said. "Whatever, Jimin, let's just get to class," Sunoo said, and the both of them walked to the next class.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also, do you think Sunoo will text Sunghoon?

Find out in the next chapter.

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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