[Chapter 7]

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Lunch. Finally.

I settled down on a bench perfectly placed in the suns rays and retrieved the food I'd packed for the day from my scruffy bag.

It wasn't appetising at all. Two pieces of slightly out of date bread and some cheese I'd found stashed away in my fridge.

I couldn't afford any real food obviously, and quite frankly I'd rather starve than eat bread that tasted of clay. However, my energy was decreasing by the day, I needed my strength so I could continue to brew the elixirs.

Then again, what did it matter? It's not like the ingredients would last much longer, and once they're all out I'd have no way of getting more without going on some long journey that I'd been too weakened to go on.

I still had no clue what I was going to do once I'd eventually stop being able to turn into a human. It's not like I could just explain everything and get it over and done with. Besides, even if that somewhat plan worked there was the other danger of being found. Magic creatures talk. And word gets around surprisingly quickly.

I shook the thoughts from my head with a groan and forced myself to eat the clay sandwich, if you could even call it a sandwich.

"Hey Elluin!" I heard a familiar voice call out. Jim. Great.

I'd hoped he'd forget about everything and leave me alone but he'd been persistent these last for days and wanted to talk about the whole magical situation.

Him and his buddies sat on the bench with me, and after everyone was settled all eyes drifted towards Jim since he was usually the one who started the conversations.

He placed his arms on the table and began using hand signals to emphasise what he was saying.

"So, about 'that night', I don't expect you to get tangled up in this Elluin but I'm finding it pretty weird how your not freaking out about this."

I finished chewing my clay-flavoured food before speaking, "I just wanna forget about this, mk?"

"Seriously?" Toby jumped in before Jim had a chance to respond, "not even like one question? It's a whole magic world for gods sake and you couldn't seam less bothered if you tried!"

Claire mumbled her agreement, followed by a nod.

"Just drop it. Did it ever occur to you that I have bigger problems than helping sort out your little squabble with the trolls?" I countered, my tone was a lot harsher than intended, but it didn't bother me. These three were getting on my last nerve, combined with all the stress caused by my potions running out my patience had come to an abrupt halt.

"More important than the fait of the world?" Claire asked in disbelief. She seamed less baffled than her companions, in fact she seamed perfectly fine with me not wanting to get involved. However, she wasn't about to leave me be, she clearly believed Jim knew what was best and wanted to help him.

I let out a long sigh to try and flush out some of the anger I was feeling, "I don't want anything to do with this, I don't care about getting killed, I don't care about trolls hell, I don't even care about Gunmar so sort it out yourselves."

After less than a few seconds I realised the mistake I'd made in my words. I inhaled sharply through my nose and felt my eyes widen. I instantly dropped the clay sandwich and used a free hand to cover my mouth. I felt utterly stupid. How could I let something like that slip... I knew I was tired but really?

Jim took a moment to calm himself and figure out the right words to use before eventually speaking again, but this time in a more shaky tone. "Elluin, how do you know about Gunmar?"

I froze, my eyes growing wide with disbelief.How could I get out of this without being dragged into the magical world again?

I felt the anger welling up inside my chest suddenly redirect itself from the Trollhunters to myself. I wasn't thinking and managed to make the situation so much worse.

I could tell them I remember thinking. I could tell them and get this all over with. Then again, I haven't decided whether it's worth getting involved in.

After a few seconds that seamed to violently shake my stomach, I pulled my eyes up from the ground and with a shuddered sigh opened my mouth to speak again.

"I just so happened to know a bit about this stuff from past experiences, no big deal." I muttered through a clenched jaw.

"Past experiences? Your like- 16!" Toby squealed, leaning over the bench in bewilderment. He gestured harshly to me with a hand as if to check he'd heard me correctly.

"Only physically..." I answered with a hushed voice, though there were next to no people around to over hear the conversation, I felt like my voice wouldn't let me speak any louder. Although I had decided to reveal just enough information to get them off my back, I still loathed what I was doing with passion.

I only briefly heard what the others said in response, before a wave of nausea hit me without warning. I gripped my stomach sharply. This was different to whirling feeling of anger I felt before.

A beed of cold sweat dripped down my temple as I realised what the foreign illness was. Standing up from the bench I quickly made my way to somewhere quiet.

However, each corner I turned around seamed to be flooded with people. Swarms of people on foot and in cars littered the streets and alleyways like an infection. I barely heard the sound of screeching tires behind me, but didn't dare waste time looking back.

I turned a corner to an alley, my hope of privacy being vanquished at the sight of a bunch of drunk grownups wobbling around on legs made of water.

The nausea grew and I squinted harshly. My strength was draining every second as I fought to keep my form together.

I forced my legs to carry me away again. Another corner, people. Another, people. Another... another... another...

I could feel my pulse rising dramatically with the stress.

Eyes flitting about frantically, I finally managed to find a refuge underneath the looming iron and stone bridge. The moment I was safely away from the eyes of society, I let out a sigh of exhaustion and keeled over.

My body was engulfed by an otherworldly, illuminated mist in an instant. When it cleared I glared down bitterly at my blue skin with gritted teeth.


My heart plummeted.

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