Chapter 1 New Family Issues

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October 8 8:00 am

When Piper come back everything is changed her family moved to New York...well Redd stay because Piper was missing but now He finally see Piper and for Sam was worry about Piper but now she back and Sam is happy about but...they were confused about what Piper did and also a sword with her so Piper try to figure it out so She lied to them and they accepted it and everything was fine well...a new problem, Sam was kicked due to...Sam was Trans and Bisexual and also Sam pronouns is She/They, so Redd let Sam become our sister (well step sister) but here's a Big Problem her brother and also brother friends come to break our house (that almost hurt me due to throwing rock at the window) so Redd just snap and start violently going to kick the heck of them so they ran away but they will come back...I hope everything is okay I guess?-

Redd : Piper! Breakfast is ready!

Piper : okay!

Piper closed her diary and come downstairs and see Redd just putting pancakes on the table (Piper likes Pancakes)

Piper : My favorite!

Sam/Sammy : Yup I just told Redd to make Pancakes

Redd : Yeah I guess

Sam/Sammy : I was actually wondering...what actually happened Piper?

Piper : Why are you still thinking about it?

Sam/Sammy :'s just wondering that you look completely...changed?

Piper : Why?

Redd : Piper...looked since you were gone for 5 days and...I noticed the dress was ripped and burnt and I don't know what happened's best to tell us the truth

Piper : I just told you that I-

Redd : Piper...I know you are lying and that not what really happened so it's time you to tell the real truth-

They heard The window just break and Redd see the window and the rock...

Redd : sigh...those guys again...

Jake : Hey little brother it's time to changed!

Redd walk over the window but for Sam/Sammy run over the safe room because She doesn't want to changes she likes the way she look, for Redd he looks at them and see Jake, Sam/Sammy brother

Redd : What do you want Jake....

Jake : Just telling Sam to changes and come back

Redd : Come back? No...She doesn't want to come back and also she doesn't want to change she stay the way she look and also didn't I told you about the warning...

Jake : and what wrong with that

Redd goes back to the house

Jake : Ha, that what you-

Redd brought the Axe with him and Jake was didn't realize so he drop the rock and ran away

Redd : I told you...

Redd goes back to the house and check on Sam/Sammy in the safe room

Redd : your brother is gone

Sam/Sammy : Yeah...he always does that...I'm sorry-

Redd : Hey it's not your fault Sammy, everything is going to okay and also Piper are you okay-

Redd notices that Piper was gone...again

Redd : we go again...

Piper POV

Piper : I got everything with me and it's time to go to fairytales

Piper goes to the forest so Piper try to find it but the problem is where is it so Piper took 2 hours to find it but there's no sign of the hole and also ending up where to she started to find the hole

Piper : now I don't know where is it probably I need to keep searching

Jake : well well well what do we have here

Piper : oh no not you again

Jake : Why are you doing next the forest

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Jake : Why are you doing next the forest

Piper : I don't know why are you here for?

Jake : Well just checking on you wondering if-

Piper : Someone try to hurt me I get it you here to hurt me isn't it Jake

Jake : what no, I will never-

Piper : do you want to be end up with Rose

Jake : ...don't you DARE talk to her like that, I don't know how you still alive but somehow you managed to survived

Piper : ...what are you going to do with me

Jake pull out...switchblade pocket, which mean he going to finish what Rose started so Piper take a step back and Jake starts to step toward and so...PIPER RAN TO FOREST TO FIND THE HOLE AND JAKE FOLLOW PIPER! Piper does not know where it is but Piper notices that there's a blue light so Piper follow the blue light and manages to escape from Jake so Piper follows the blue light and she finally find it but Jake somehow follow piper step so Piper Jump the hole and Jake lost the Piper step, Jake got mad about losing Piper so Jake goes back...but Piper didn't notice that someone saw it.

but Piper didn't notice that someone saw it

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