The Moon is Full of Feminine Energy

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The moon is full of feminine energy. 

Not overpowering the sun, it reflects its light. 

The light reflected illumines the night: 

From the sun's light it takes its brightness. 

From the moon's light we see diverging phases. 

Each one unique as that of a woman's cycle. 

Special and unique, my monthly cycle 

Rises and falls as a wave. 

Its frequency alternates. 

Ripple propagates outward and alternates 

Like a woman's emotions affecting her surroundings. 

Like my emotions affecting my surroundings, 

Working inward takes a lot of practice. 

Working with the moon is a practice. 

The moon is full of feminine energy.

- Mary Rosalie Olandesca (January 14, 2023)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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