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* Means Prime is whispering to someone or talking to himself.

{ } Means Ratchet is whispering to someone or talking to himself.

Prime was walking and entered the room. He grabbed some energon when he felt off. "Hmm." He was walking and he felt off again. *"What….is going on."* He whispered to himself. He walked and entered the main lobby until he collapsed. Ratchet was in his room when he heard the noise. {"What in Primus is going on."} He said and whispered to himself. He got up and walked to see what the noise was. He walked and looked until he saw his former leader on the floor. "PRIME!" Ratchet quickly ran over. "BULKHEAD, WHEELJACK! I NEED YOUR HELP! AND SUNBLAST GET IN HERE NOW!" He shouted yelling for his friends.

Megatron was sitting at the desk when he felt the worst pain then he has ever felt. A pain he has never felt at all even when he was fighting in the pits. He went and placed his servos where his spark was located. He then heard Prime's sparkling crying. He got up and went over and gently lifted the young one up. "Shh. Your sire will be coming back, I hope. He's been gone for 1 mini cycle." Soon he heard the doors open. He hoped it was Prime. But he was wrong. It was Sunblast. "Megatron. We need you in the main lobby in the med bay. It's Prime. He collapsed and we don't know why. Ratchet is working on him now. If you want me to do it, you want me to watch the sparklings for you and Prime. So that the little ones don't see Prime the way he is right now." I asked him.

Megatron looked at the sparklings. "Yes. Please. Here. I need to be with Prime. You sure that….Unicron won't be upset with this will he?" He asked you. Soon you both heard a deep dark voice. "Upset about what." You both turned and saw Unicron. You and Megatron couldn't say or bring it up. Unicron looked at you and Megatron. "Upset about what. And I am not going to repeat myself." He said to both you and Megatron. Both you and Megatron gulped after the way he said it.

"Uh….well sweet spark." I chuckled nervously. I then looked at Megatron who was scared of the presence of my husband. "Megatron, just go ahead and be with Prime. I'll talk with Unicron and explain everything to him." Megatron looked at you and nodded. "Thanks." He then walked off to be with Prime. Unicron watched Megatron walk off but he turned his attention to you. "Okay. So what do you need to talk to me about, my dear." He asked you. "Well. I asked Megatron if he wanted us to watch the sparklings. I said to my husband. Soon I heard my husband growl. "What! Why would you even suggest that my dear. We have twins to take care of." He said to you, reminding you about the twins. I sigh. "Yes. I know that and I ain't that stupid. But Prime is injured and unconscious and I thought that the sparklings and Prime's sparkling shouldn't see him like that." I said. Unicron shook his helm. "Fine. But I also didn't call you stupid. So don't ever say that again. But fine. This better not be long." He said and explained to you.

Megatron was walking, thinking and hoping that Prime was okay. He approached the main lobby and the med bay. He looked up and his spark ached seeing Prime laying on the med berth unconscious and not awake. He walked up and sat next to the berth. "Ratchet. Is Prime going to be okay?" He asked Ratchet. Ratchet looked at Megatron. He knows that Megatron and Prime are like bondmates. And that they love each other. So Ratchet wanted to give Megatron the honest truth. "I….I don't know Megatron. But I am doing everything I can to help him." He said to Megatron. Megatron was more worried after what Ratchet said. Tears were coming out of his optics. He bent down and kissed Prime. Knowing full well that the kiss wasn't coming back in return. He then whispered. ~"Please Prime. I….I can't lose you. I love you. And we have sparklings to take care of. Please don't leave me and don't you dare offline on me either. I love you, you big aft."~ Megatron then laid his head down. He closed his eyes. He wanted Prime back. He wanted him now.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Sunblast daughter of PrimusWhere stories live. Discover now