Tricking the bad guys

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With Team B....

Polaris starting to get his strength back and walks by himself.

But Unknownst to Polar Belle, familiar vines wrap around her and her mouth

Polar Belle- Mmmph !

She's pulled

Troy: Huh?

They look and see nothing

Polaris: What is it?

He notices his daughter is missing

Polaris: Polar belle? Where are you?

With Polar Belle....

She Muffled struggles as she is pulled by the vines

It was Warwick as a plant monster*

Polar Belle sees him and muffled yelp

Al Negator sees her: Whoa... you look beautiful gorgeous.

Polar Belle sees him and is frightened

Al Negator: Your going to be our hostage until the brats surrender themselves.

Polar Belle- Mm ! Mmmm !

She struggles more as Al Negator went over to her

Al Negator holds her chin: Though you are really cute.

???: Well look who's also here.

Skor and Skrap came with their bodies as accordians*

Polar Belle- looks

Al Negator: What happened to you?

Skrap: Butch did this.

Polar Belle's eyes widened

Skor; What's the new plan?

Al Negator: We use her to make the heroes surrender.

He shows them the tied up Polar Belle-

Polar belle Mmm !

Skor: Perfect....

Polar Belle-( In her mind ) Oh no , guys ! Plz don't fall for it.....

Al Negator gripped her chin again

Polar Belle- Mmm !

Al Negator: Maisie and her friends will surrender for sure...

He softly caresses her cheek

Polar Belle growls*

Polar Belle flinches at his touch

Al Negator smirks*

He speaks

Al Negator: You will be mine after the heroes surrender.

Back with Sonia, Snake puts her in bed*

Snake- there we go babe

Sonia is exhausted*

Snake- are you ok?

Sonia: It hurts...

Serverus: There there, you need to heal.

With Issac.....

He's still in his room

Issac lays in his bed feeling sad*

Sash comes in feeling bad

Sash- Hi honey....

Issac: Hey babe...

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