Ilene meets her half siblings

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???: Not so fast you brats.

Polar Belle- gasped

It was Skor and Skrap*

Skor: We meet again Butch.

Butch: Oh great, the two raptor jerks that took my drinks every Friday to party.

Skor sees Polar Belle

Skor: You must be Polaris's daughter.

Polar Belle- So ?!

Skrap: You would be perfect to be robotizised. *looks at Marie* But I want to make her mine...

Marie- Huh ?!

Butch speaks

Butch: Oh hell no! You took my drinks before, your not taking my girlfriend!

Skrap shouts back

Skrap: Awwwww, what are you going to do about it?! Nothing! Cause your weak.

Butch whispers to his fairies: I wish I have a big mallet.

They granted his wish

Butch has a big mallet, Skor and Skrap dropped their jaws*

Butch: What was that your saying? Me being weak?

Marie is amazed

Skor: Now now, let's not be too rational....

Butch yells and charges at them, he pound them hard like whack a mole*

Butch: Have a nice flight you two! *whacks them far away*

Marie is amazed and blushes

Butch looks at her: Like that babe?

She blushes more read and stutters

Shrimp: Awwwwwww.

Marie- Oh wow.......

He went over to her

Butch kisses her hand*

Marie- Oh!

Butch winks at her*

Arie blushs befoe he speaks

Butch: I love you babe.

She looks

Butch winks*

Marie- I love you too butch~

Butch smiles*

Polar Belle- Let's go we don't have much time..

They continue.

In Irina's house.....

While Irina picks up Ilene and Koro making sweets , Aguri and Ryushi are left in the bedroom crawling around cooing.

But when Aguri accidentally pressed the space bar on the laptop of Koro's a video popped up

Aguri- Eh ?

She looks and sees it's the final episode of Koro Sensei

Ryushi looks*

They cooed and looked. They hear the whole E Class singing and crying as Nagisa kills Koro before Koro turned into clusters of yellow bulbs of lights that ascended into the night sky as the students and teachers cried and sing.

Ryushi and Aguri whimper and tear up as they started to cry

Koro: Huh?

He hears the babies crying in the other room

Koro went in*

He sees the babies crying as they watch the laptop

Koro: Babies what's the matter?

He went over and sees the final Day and the final Episode of Assassination Classroom where Nagisa and the kids had to kill him and all cried together along with Irina as they hear the class singing

Koro: Oh no...

The babies cry seeing their father die by Nagisa

Koro: Hey it's okay babies.

He closed the laptop and went over to the babies who cry.

Ryushi coos Daddy gone

Koro: Hey it's okay, I'm back to life.

He picks them up and the babies tear up whimpering before they look at their smiley faced father

Koro: I won't die again kids.

The babies looked at him

Koro snuggles them*

The babies whimper.

Ryushi whimpers grabbing his one tentacle and sucks on it like a pacifier

Koro chuckles*

Then Irina comes in with Ilene

Irina- I'm back Octopus !

Koro: Hello my sweet!

Irina giggled as she watched him turn pink.

Ilene- Hi Koro Sensei !

Koro smiles: Hi sweetie!

Irina smirked

Irina- I caught this little girl flirting with a certain boy~

Koro smiles: Oh my.

Ilene blushes

Ilene- Mom ! His name is Tim Tim and he's cute !

Koro: Awwwwww, so cute!

Ilene blushes

Irina- Oh honey. Come meet your baby half siblings.

Ilene looks*

Koro- Meet Aguri and your half brother Ryushi.

He shows the now calm babies as they suck on his tentacles like a binkie

Ilene is amazed*

The babies stopped and looked at her

Aguri coos*

Ryushi- Eh ?

Ilene: Hi baby siblings.

The babies coo seeing her walk over.

Aguri shyly hides in her father's academic dress robe

Koro: Hey it's okay sweetie, she's friendly.

Aguri cutely pokes her head out of the top of his black dress robe

Ilene: Awwwwww.

She climbs out and went over to Ilene

Ilene holds her*

Aguri coos

Ilene giggles*

Ryushi coos smiling before Aguri let's out a cute baby laugh

Ilene: Awwwww.

Koro speaks

Koro: She really likes you.

Irina- So does Ryushi

She chuckles

Ryushi sees a magazine from. Koro's desk and crawls over to it

Koro: Looking at my sweets magazine son?

But it wasn't a sweets magazine.

He moves the sweets magazine out of the ay revealing Koro's perverted magazines

Koro: Eep! *grabs it* Sorry son, this is not for you.

Ryushi huffs cutely crossing his arms

Irina- Looks like Ryushi has taken a more... Perverted side FROM you Koro~

Koro chuckles: Yep.

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